
Trump Changes Course, Now Says He Will Not Seek ‘Retribution’ As President

After launching his campaign by telling Republican voters “I am your retribution,” Donald Trump has changed course. 

READ: President Trump Promises Justice and Retribution at CPAC


The statement in question occurred during a town hall on Fox News. While speaking to Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum, the former president said he wouldn’t “have time” for retribution, claiming that being a successful president would be enough. 

“We’re going to make the country so successful again, I’m not going to have time for retribution,” Trump claimed. “And remember this: our ultimate retribution is success.”

Is it, though? 

The word retribution means something. Specifically, it means to inflict punishment on someone for an immoral and/or criminal act. It doesn’t mean to show someone up by succeeding. Trump quite literally launched his campaign by telling Republican voters he would exact retribution against the corrupt forces of government, including those who have weaponized the justice system not just against him, but against thousands of other Americans. 

“In 2016, I declared I am your voice. Today I add: I am your warrior. I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution,” he told the crowd.

Is Trump just blowing smoke to take the heat off of his rhetoric and avoid further bad press after making retribution a centerpiece of his campaign up to this point? That’s certainly a possibility, and I would hope that’s what he’s doing. 

Those who have abused their power and violated the Constitution do not deserve a pass. They aren’t going to be deterred by a better economy or lower taxes. Justice will only be done, and lessons will only be learned if real punitive action is taken against them, not dictatorially, but within the framework of the law.


Here’s the thing that people need to understand when it comes to retribution against the corrupt officials who have weaponized their power over the last several years: It’s not really about Trump.

I know, some may take issue with that given the criminal cases against him are so front and center, but isn’t it Trump himself that says they are “after you” and that he’s just “standing in the way?” Think about the prosecutorial abuse that has occurred not against high-profile politicians, but regular Americans. 

Think about the pro-life protesters now facing a decade in prison just for being too close to an abortion clinic. Think about the parents targeted for simply trying to stand up for their kids. Think about the non-violent protesters on January 6th who are in jail because they walked around the Capitol grounds, not even realizing they were breaking the law.

In the end, Trump is going to be fine. Even if he ends up convicted of some of the charges against him, he’s going to play golf on a resort for the rest of his life with a Secret Service detail. A lot of others aren’t so lucky, and hopefully, he’s reminded of their plight. Retribution is necessary because unless there are consequences for what has happened, it will happen again. 



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