
Biden Invites Kennedy Center Honorees to the White House, Gaffes Ensue, and He Needs Jill’s Help Again

Sunday was another typical example of a Biden “work day” — he had one event on his schedule and it was a typical ceremonial event, which seems to be the large majority of what Joe Biden does. Now that’s only his public schedule, but one has to imagine how hard he’s working beyond that when he has sort of half-day schedules and early lids. 


The ceremonial event on Sunday was Biden hosting the Kennedy Center honorees at the White House. That’s hardly a strenuous occasion. Yet, it was problem, because it required Joe to speak. 

Biden got into trouble when he was trying to talk about Queen Latifah and ended up referring to her as the “enemy.” This is not a stutter.

“By the way, with other movies, and other movies, she’s earned a Golden Globe and a Primetime Enemy!” Biden said, fighting with the teleprompter. He realized he got it wrong and said, “Enemy? That’s me. Primetime Emmy.” You can hear some of that laughter is nervous laughter, but so far no one is saying what everyone can see — that he shouldn’t be running and he should step out of the race. 

Billy Crystal was also being honored as well, and Biden tried to joke about him, saying, “He promised me he’s not going to primary me. He could win.”

Unfortunately, it’s a telling comment and quite true. At this point, anyone might have a shot at beating Biden in a primary, if the Democrats allowed him to compete in one. He’s so unpopular and people from normally solid Democratic groups are fleeing him. I wrote earlier about how Muslim leaders in swing states were leading a charge to convince people not to vote for him with an Abandon Biden” campaign.


Then as the event ends, he shakes the hands of the honorees but then isn’t sure where he’s supposed to go and has to signal to ask where to go. Then, Jill comes to help him down off the stage. 

At least this time he shook hands. When he met with the president of Brazil, he almost created an incident when he walked off without shaking his hand and the Brazilian leader made an exasperated gesture with his arm and walked off in the other direction. 

We’re seeing more and more of this confusion with Jill having to help him. As we also wrote, there was a report that they use flashlights and signals behind the scenes to help him know where to go. That’s the depth of the confusion at this point. 

It’s hard to imagine that he’s even going to make it to the 2024 election at this rate, as his issues keep getting worse.



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