
Feel-Good Friday: NY Knicks Center Mitchell Robinson Takes in His HS Coach After His Wife Dies

The holiday season is a particularly difficult time for those experiencing grief. It could be a recent loss, or one that was several years ago. I lost my sister during Christmas 2017, and six years later, I still feel the void. So, this week’s Feel-Good Friday is particularly poignant and powerful. A gifted NBA player reached out to his high school coach who recently lost his wife, and ensured that he would not be alone in his grief.


Grab a box of tissues. 

New York Knicks center Mitchell Robinson has taken in Butch Stockton, his high school basketball coach, as his new roommate as Stockton grieves the death of his wife, Dawn Stockton. The story of Robinson and Stockton was told Thursday night prior to the Knicks’ 118-112 victory over the Detroit Pistons.

What a reflection of the quality of Robinson’s character, as well as his love and respect for his former coach. But Stockton was more than just a coach. Stockton and his wife Dawn took the young Robinson under their wing and treated him like a son. The Stocktons recognized the potential in Robinson, and sought to nurture and protect it. That’s a powerful gift to give to another, and a precious gift to receive. Robinson clearly understood this, so when the Stocktons most needed him, he reciprocated that embrace. Dawn Stockton became ill, and Robinson visited her bedside every day. Coach Stockton and Dawn had been together for 31 years, and once she passed, Robinson empathized with the yawning emptiness Coach Stockton must have experienced over the death of his beloved. So, Robinson invited Coach Stockton to leave his home in Louisiana and come live with him in New York!



Stockton, who coached Robinson at Chalmette High School in Louisiana, lost his wife to cancer in September after 31 years of marriage. Not wanting his old coach to be by himself as he grieves, Robinson invited Stockton to live with him in New York and plans to host him for the entire 2023-24 season. The two bond by watching movies together, and Stockton also looks after Robinson’s dogs.

I would have phrased this as the two deepened their bond, as it is clear that Coach Stockton and Robinson are already connected at the heart. This bond has transcended age, generational boundaries, and yes, even race. What’s that expression? Love sees no color. 

“He said, ‘Coach there’s no reason for you to stay in Louisiana anymore. You come to New York with me and enjoy yourself,'” Stockton told MSG Network. “Get your mind back straight because you know how much you loved your wife. I loved your wife.”

“He’s a great guy, he helped me get to where I’m at,” Robinson said Thursday night. “… So it works out for the best. I can help him out like he helped me. … He looked out for me. He helped me get to where I’m at, I feel like, so it’s the least that I can do. It’s been cool.”

Robinson is a young man who, despite achieving success, has not forgotten where he came from and those who were pivotal to his process and progress. This powerful, humanitarian act of kindness and love is an antidote to all the WOKE nonsense that usually emits from sports and entertainment circles.


Enjoy another take of Coach Stockton telling their story—It’s a wonderful palate cleanser for the week.



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