
‘Mom Is HOME’: Mary Lou Retton’s Daughter Shares Major Update About Olympic Gold Medalist Amid Pneumonia Battle | The Daily Wire

Mary Lou Retton’s daughter, McKenna Kelley, said her mom is finally home and in “recovery mode” in a major update about the former Olympic gold medalist’s battle with a rare form of pneumonia.

In a post on Monday on Instagram Kelley wrote, “Mom is HOME and in recovery mode. We still have a long road of recovery ahead of us, but baby steps” after previously sharing on October 10 that Retton was in the hospital “fighting for her life.”

“We are overwhelmed with the love and support from everyone,” the message added. “Grateful doesn’t scrape the surface of the posture of our hearts.”

“Thank you Jesus, thank you doctors and nurses, thank you to this loving community of support,” the message concluded.

The news was the first since Kelley’s sister Shayla Kelley Schrepfer shared last week that the former gymnast had suffered a “scary setback” and was still in the Intensive Care Unit dealing with pneumonia.

“Basically at the beginning of this week we were going on the up and up,” Schrepfer said in an update on Instagram. “We were so excited, seeing so much progress and then yesterday we had a pretty scary setback.”

“She is still in ICU and we’re just working through some things as far as her setback goes,” she added. “So I just wanted to give an update there.”

“She had a better day today, which is great,” Retton’s daughter continued. “She is just really exhausted.”


Schrepfer ended her message with a thank you to everyone for their support.

“I’m getting so many messages and emails and just, it’s so great to see people love on her, so, that’s it.”

The update followed a statement Schrefer released five days earlier, saying the former Olympic gymnast was “getting stronger.”

“Mom’s progress is truly remarkable,” the message on social media read. “Prayers have been felt and have been answered. Although she remains in the ICU, her path to recovery is steadily unfolding. Her fighting spirit is truly shining.”

“Her breathing is becoming stronger and her reliance on machines is diminishing,” it added.

Kelley first alerted the public that their mom was in the ICU “fighting for her life” and asked for help to cover hospital bills because she doesn’t have health insurance. The fundraiser on SpotFund collected more than $455,000 in donations, well surpassing its $50,000 goal.

In 1984, Retton made history at the Summer Olympics held in Los Angeles when she became the first American woman to win an individual all-around gold medal, People magazine noted. Her victory led to her being named “Sportswoman of the Year” by Sports Illustrated magazine, and she also famously appeared on the Wheaties box.



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