
Outgoing Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Waxes Hypocritical at Texas Gov. Abbott About ‘Dangerous’ Illegals

Say what you want about outgoing Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, but the woman’s got cojones.

Lightfoot has cluelessly — defiantly so — done immeasurable and reprehensible harm throughout her four-year reign as the worst and most destructive mayor in the history of the Windy City, but to conservative political pundits, she’s been the gift that’s kept on giving.

Not dissimilar to a white elephant gift exchange, that is, but a gift just the same.

So, what better way for Lightfoot to leave office on May 20 than by wrapping all of the above “talents” into a final signature “gift”?

As reported by Fox News on Monday, Lightfoot sent a letter to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Sunday requesting that he stop sending busloads of illegal aliens to Chicago because of what she claims are political motivations. (It should be noted that if the politically motivated Biden Border Crisis™ hadn’t intentionally been foisted on border states, Abbott wouldn’t have busloads of illegal to send to Chicago or anywhere else.)

As Fox noted, Abbott started sending buses filled with illegals to Chicago and other so-called “sanctuary cities,” including New York City and Washington, D.C., in the fall as a perfect response to the continuing deluge of illegals crossing the Rio Grande into Texas virtually non-stop. To his credit, Abbott has vowed that he will continue shipping illegals to Democrat-run sanctuary cities (yes, that’s redundant) until the federal government secures the border — which the Biden administration steadfastly refuses to do, despite protestations to the contrary from serial-lying Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Before we get to Lightfoot’s ridiculous letter, let’s put this whole thing in perspective.

According to Lightfoot herself, Abbott has sent roughly 8,000 illegals to Chicago since the first busload arrived in August. Chicago proper has a population of more than 2.6 million, with the Chicago Metro Area just short of 10 million. We could get into the murder rate and other violent crimes — sans illegal aliens — which Lightfoot’s incompetence and inaction have only exacerbated, but I won’t waste the time. Again.

Anyway, here’s Lightfoot’s letter to Abbott, in part:

Nearly all the migrants have been in dire need of food, water, and clothing and many needed extensive medical care. Some of the individuals you placed on buses were women in active labor, and some were victims of sexual assault. None of these urgent needs were addressed in Texas. Instead, these individuals and families were packed onto buses and shipped across the country like freight without regard to their personal circumstances.

Chicago is a Welcoming City and we collaborate with County, State, and community partners to rise to this challenge, but your lack of consideration or coordination in an attempt to cause chaos and score political points has resulted in a critical tipping point in our ability to receive individuals and families in a safe, orderly, and dignified way.

Uh-huh. Now do Chicago’s bloody Southside and the safety of families in that “orderly, dignified” hellhole, Madam Mayor. Make sure to include the part about how you’ve risen to that challenge. This is a quintessential example of why Chicagoans voted this inept clown out of office as soon as they got the opportunity to do so.

Lightfoot continued, taking direct aim at Abbott:

I know by your actions that you either do not see or do not care about the trauma these migrants have already faced and continue to suffer under the humanitarian crisis you have created. But I beseech you anyway: treat these individuals with the respect and dignity that they deserve. To tell them to go to Chicago or to inhumanely bus them here is an inviable and misleading choice.

Governor Abbott, this is not a state v. state or city v. city problem. The immigration crisis is a national challenge that requires national collaboration. For the good of our country and the individuals who are seeking safety in refuge, let’s work together to find a real solution. And that real solution will never be the unilateral bussing of migrants to cities like Chicago.

Grab a mirror and seat, Lori — your hypocrisy cup runneth over.

The Bottom Line

Lori Lightfoot might be awful, but she’s far from alone. Hypocritical Democrat mayors throughout the country have supported the Biden Border Crisis from the outset, not to mention the left’s “sanctuary city” nonsense until thousands of illegals showed up on their respective doorsteps — rather than just in overrun border cities like El Paso.

This blatant hypocrisy is also an example of the left’s “Do as we say, not as we do” hypocrisy — the “good for thee but not for me” schtick the Democrats have attempted to shove down the throats of everyday Americans for decades.

Enough is enough. The 2024 election matters. Don’t screw it up.

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