
Fox’s Bill Melugin Delivers Blow to the Leftist Narrative About Texas Shooter

We reported on the horrible shooting in Cleveland, Texas on Friday night where five people were killed, including one child.

The shooter, Francisco Oropesa, shot his neighbors almost execution-style. Two of the women who were killed — Diana Velazquez Alvarado and Julisa Molina Rivera — were murdered as they lay over three children, trying to protect them. The women also hid a two-month-old baby under some clothes so the shooter wouldn’t find him. The four children all survived. It’s hard to imagine what those women were feeling at that moment, but in their last moments, they did all they could to protect the lives of the children. In the end, three women were killed, and they leave behind six children.

The family who had guests over had asked Oropeza to stop firing his weapon in his yard because they were trying to get the baby to sleep. He then responded by coming over with an AR-15 to shoot up the family and their guests, according to reports.

Oropesa hasn’t been caught yet and is still on the loose, although the police do have the AR-15. The police say that they have “zero leads” about where he is, so he still represents a danger to anyone with whom he might come into contact. There’s an $80,000 reward for anyone providing information that leads to his arrest.

As my colleague Streiff wrote, normally this would be a case that people on the left would be all over talking about the evil AR-15. Some still are. But there’s a reason that suddenly the shooting has dropped out of the consciousness of some of them, and it’s pitiful. As we noted, Oropeza had been identified as a Mexican national.

It’s now been confirmed that not only is he an illegal alien (as many suspected), but according to Fox’s Bill Melugin, he’s been deported at least five times between 2009 and 2016. But he just keeps coming back.

It’s horrible to think that if we had a secure border and penalties to discourage repeated illegal entry, many things like this could be prevented. But of course, particularly under Biden, there seem to be no real penalties for anything, and anyone can come in.

The left can yell about AR-15s and laws all they want, but it was already against the law for this illegal alien to have an AR-15. Are you going to make something illegal more illegal? It isn’t the AR-15, it’s the person behind it.

Department of Homeland Security head Alejandro Mayorkas wouldn’t even answer the question of whether or not the killer was illegal when “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd asked him.

That’s how ridiculous they have gotten with trying to cover these things up. But it isn’t like we weren’t going to find out, so it’s just a nonsensical move on every level. Todd, meanwhile, seemed to think having a “consulate card” made Oropesa legal. No, it doesn’t. Either Todd didn’t understand the facts or was trying to cloud the issue. But when Mayorkas was mum on the shooter’s status, then you know what the answer had to be.

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