
Biden Babbles Before the World in Ukraine, Weirdly Grabs Man’s Bicep

As we reported earlier, Joe Biden made a “surprise” visit to Ukraine to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky to appear tough to Americans after getting a lot of backlash for his handling of a Chinese spy balloon over the United States. But while it was a surprise to Americans, the Russians were told before we were.

Then Biden tweeted that Ukraine had “captured a part of my heart,” infuriating Americans who believed he doesn’t give a darn about Americans including in places in crisis, like the border and East Palestine, Ohio. Americans think he’s more “captured” by what he (or his family) can get from Ukraine, while our money is flying out the window to Ukraine without accountability about where it’s all going.

Biden also delivered some remarks while in Kyiv and it didn’t go well. Biden started talking about the “coalition” they’d built. He embarrassed himself badly, reading from notes, but still not having any idea what he was saying.

“We built a coalition of nations from the Atlantic to the Pacific. NATO. To the, in the Atlantic. Japan in the Pacific. I mean, across the cou-across the world,” Biden said.

A coalition of nations from the Atlantic to the Pacific? No, Joe, that doesn’t include NATO or Japan. That thing between the Atlantic and the Pacific is that big country that’s supposed to be first in priority but to Joe Biden often ends up being last. He’s more concerned with Ukraine, which has captured his “heart” and our money. And Japan is not part of NATO or whatever other confusion was flipping through his brain.

That was embarrassing enough that Joe was so confused before the eyes of the world. But it got worse when he moved on to a very Joe Biden problem. We’ve seen his repeated problem with sniffing women, little girls, and even babies, as well as touching people when he should not be touching people. But as I reported the other day, he also has an obsession with men’s biceps, thinking that somehow they show the measure of a man. In the past, he’s said it about Maryland’s governor, Wes Moore, and some random Russian photographer he saw at the G-2o.

In Ukraine, Biden went up to one of Zelensky’s officials and commented on his biceps, even grabbing his right bicep, “Lookin’ good, man, you still have those biceps.”. You can see the looks of some of the other Ukrainians — they look embarrassed for Biden as they try to look away.

Stop touching people Joe Biden, it’s creepy and it’s weird that you’re touching random Ukrainian men. Or maybe he wasn’t so random? Is this a guy with whom Biden has some greater knowledge of his biceps? He can’t remember the U.S. is the nation between the Atlantic and the Pacific, not NATO, but he can remember this guy’s biceps from when Biden was there before. Biden is so whacked out, his people must panic from one minute to the next, about what he might say and do.

Unfortunately, this is the guy we have occupying the White House on this President’s Day. That’s not a comforting feeling.

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