
‘You Should Not Be Able to Lie in Congress’: Rep. Greg Murphy Rips Adam Schiff, Calls for Ethics Probe

In this episode of Karma Sucks…

In all my years of covering politics, I’ve never seen a politician who lies more often with less conscience than Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) While Joe Biden and late Senate Democrat Party Leader Harry Reid might grab the next two slots, Schiff’s serial-lying prowess is second to none — smugly and arrogantly so.

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Rep. Greg Murphy (R-N.C.) told Maria Bartiromo that the Republican-controlled House “needs to do an ethics investigation” of Schiff and his lies — at least. “You should not be able to lie in Congress,” Murphy declared.

Murphy began by stating the obvious: Elon Musk’s release of internal Twitter Files dramatically turned the tables on Schiff and other lying Democrats.

Elon Musk has exploded the amount of information that has been withheld from us by our own government. And you know, I’ve not been ever a conspiracy theorist … but if you look now, there are some real, major problems at the top of the FBI and the DOJ that are absolutely anti-American … but now we’re finding out the truth.

Adam Schiff wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped him in the face. And the same thing with the other folks — they wanted to push a president [Trump] out and they were willing to use any means — lying, deception, you name it — to push that narrative. And the truth has come out, now, and I hope we hold these guys accountable.

Bartiromo followed up by asking Murphy for specifics on how the new Congress will hold Schiff & Co. responsible, to which he replied:

At the very least, Maria, we’ll need to do an ethics investigation on him and then the true light’s brought forth, and whether he gets kicked out of Congress or reprimanded or what, you should not be able to lie in Congress. I mean, it’s just — it’s a basic fact. It’s something that goes back to the American people, having faith in our system.

And Adam Schiff and [Eric] Swalwell and all these guys who would literally lie just to push their narrative, rather than actually be truthful with the American public is absolutely disgusting. Yeah, they’ll get their comeuppance. Karma is real. And it will happen with them.

“Kicked out of Congress” gets my vote.

As my colleague Sister Toldjah reported on Friday, we learned in the latest Twitter Files dump that Schiff staffers repeatedly asked Twitter to censor accounts they didn’t like. For example, staffers pushed Twitter to ban an account because it allegedly attempted to pass off as real a parody of Biden. Nonsensical, regardless of the silly parody? Of course, it was.

But the long list of Schiff’s lies isn’t funny at all, including these recent gems:

WATCH: Adam Schiff Blasts McCarthy, Says GOP Leader Only Wants Him off Intel Committee to Appease QAnon

Adam Schiff Claims ‘Evidence’ of Trump Election Fraud Before Playing a Familiar Game

Adam Schiff Claims ‘A Great Deal’ of New Evidence Exists in Capitol Probe

Prior to his election as House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy pledged to boot Schiff, along with Eric Swalwell (Calif.) and Ilhan Omar (Minn.), from their coveted committee seats. During McCarthy’s first weekly press conference as Speaker, he reiterated his intention.

And Rep. Murphy on Saturday tweeted a few of the initiatives he said Republicans “are taking to fulfill [their] Commitment to America“:

The Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act rescinds tens of billions of dollars allocated to the IRS for 87,000 new agents.

The Protecting America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserves from China Act prevents the sale of our oil reserves to Communist China. Democrats left our Strategic Petroleum Reserve at the lowest level in decades; Republicans are committed to reversing their course.

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act ensures that infants born alive after an abortion receive the same protection of law and degree of care as any newborn. I will always stand up for the right to life and protect the lives of our most vulnerable.

House Concurrent Resolution 3 expresses the sense of Congress condemning the recent attacks on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches.

The Republican Party, particularly the House Caucus, finds itself in an in-between place now, which it will be in for at least the next two years: demonstrating to conservatives across America a willingness to take bold actions — all of which will either lose in the Senate or be vetoed by President Ice Cream Cone Biden, and a call by some to work with House Democrats, when possible, and avoid two years of gridlock.

A slippery slope indeed, in which the House Republican Leadership can’t go all John Boehner, Paul Ryan, or Mitch McConnell and give away the store to the party of Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Hakeem Jeffries.

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