
CNN Invokes Hamlin’s Cardiac Arrest to Warn Against GOP Lawmakers

Classless is the best way to describe the comments CNN chief national correspondent and Inside Politics host John King made during Thursday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom. Venting his rage at congressional Republicans for the drama surrounding the speaker election process, King wondered how things would’ve turned out for Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin after his cardiac arrest if the medical staff acted like members of the GOP.

“They don’t care. They don’t care,” King huffed, casting false aspersions on Republican attitudes about governing. He went on to lecture Republicans about how they needed to conduct themselves as part of a team and the chaos that creates when they don’t get in line:

Especially when you have a small majority, you have to accept your responsibility as a member of the team. Pick your business, pick your sport. Imagine if a baseball team goes on the field, and after two pitches the right fielder decides, “I want to pitch.” It can’t work that way, someone has to be in charge.

“Someone has to be in charge of any organization. That doesn’t always mean that you agree with your boss. You don’t always mean that you agree with your manager. You don’t always agree with your coach,” he added.

King then looked to disgustingly exploit Hamlin’s medical emergency. “Imagine those two doctors we just listened to who treated and all of the people on the field who cared for that Buffalo Bills player. Imagine if somebody, ‘No,’ or ‘No, I want to do the other job.’ It doesn’t work that way,” he rhetorically sneered.

And despite how those Republicans opposed to Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) becoming speaker have stated their concerns about Washington being broken and runaway spending, King proclaimed that group was not willing to “accept the responsibility of government.”

“They don’t want that responsibility, they don’t care about that responsibility, and they don’t respect that responsibility,” he declared.

He concluded his rant by arguing that the American people have already rejected the Republican brand of “crazy”:

So, 58 days after the American people – everybody thought – every historical marker said Republicans would win 20 maybe 30 seats, maybe more. They won 10. They lost a seat in the Senate. Why? Because the American people said, “We don’t crazy, we’ll take center-right, but we won’t take center-crazy.” What are we getting in the House right now? Crazy.

So, according to King’s warped worldview, even “center-right” needs a little sugar to make it palatable. No wonder he thought it was fine to exploit Hamlin’s condition just hours after he woke up for the first time since Monday.

CNN’s smears against Republicans were made possible because of a lucrative sponsorship from Crest. Their contact information is linked.

The transcript is below, click “expand” to read:

CNN Newsroom
January 5, 2023
2:28:39 p.m. Eastern


JOHN KING: And so, whoever wins the speakership, will that person be speaker for a week, a month, by August when you have to do the debt ceiling, and that means that you have to be responsible. And responsible is the word here. Respecting the system, the organization, the government. Dana [Bash], I think, put it as plainly as you can put it, they don’t care. They don’t care.

Especially when you have a small majority, you have to accept your responsibility as a member of the team. Pick your business, pick your sport. Imagine if a baseball team goes on the field, and after two pitches the right fielder decides, “I want to pitch.” It can’t work that way, someone has to be in charge.

Someone has to be in charge of any organization. That doesn’t always mean that you agree with your boss. You don’t always mean that you agree with your manager. You don’t always agree with your coach.

Imagine those two doctors we just listened to who treated, and all of the people on the field who cared for that Buffalo Bills player. Imagine if somebody, “No,” or “No, I want to do the other job.” It doesn’t work that way.

When you are the team, you have to. Yes, you go to the boss’s office and you say, “I want this, I want this, I want this.” But eventually, somebody has to make a decision and you have to accept the responsibility of government. They don’t want that responsibility, they don’t care about that responsibility, and they don’t respect that responsibility.

So, 58 days after the American people – everybody thought – every historical marker said Republicans would win 20 maybe 30 seats, maybe more. They won 10. They lost a seat in the Senate. Why? Because the American people said, “We don’t crazy, we’ll take center-right, but we won’t take center-crazy.” What are we getting in the House right now? Crazy.




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