
WATCH: Eight-Year-Old Tosses His Hockey Stick Onto the Class Pile, Teacher Retaliates and Knocks His Tooth Out

Some complain that today’s kids are too coddled, but a viral video from a Minnesota elementary school begs to differ.

As reported by St. Paul’s KSTP, last spring at Princeton Primary School, 63-year-old teacher Kimberly Neubauer oversaw young students in the gymnasium as they played hockey. At the end of the activity, children returned their sticks to a stack on the floor. As caught by a security camera, one eight-year-old tossed his into the pile. Evidently, it irritated the teacher. In a move that’s surprising to say the least, Kimberly took the stick and threw it at the little boy. The stick smacked the floor — after it was deftly deflected by the bones in his face.

One might expect a teacher to immediately run to the child and ensure he’s okay. As made clear in the footage, Kimberly did no such thing. She appeared to remain stoic as he picked up the formerly flying projectile.

Another thing to collect: his front tooth. As seen in an online photo, the stiff stick knocked it out.

Fox9 has more:

[Kimberly] was placed on administrative leave immediately following the incident and the district accepted her resignation shortly thereafter, according to the superintendent of Princeton Public Schools Ben Barton.

In July, she was charged with third-degree assault, which carries a penalty of up to five years’ incarceration and a $10,000 fine.

Meanwhile, the school made a bold move: On Facebook, it congratulated her on retirement.


[I]n an internal email to staff two weeks following the incident, the school’s principal notified colleagues of the teacher’s departure without mentioning the alleged assault, saying she wished the teacher “the absolute best.”

But more recently:

[Superintendent Ben]…apologized for the post, saying he didn’t authorize it and it was taken down as soon as he was made aware.

The child’s father, Lance Johnson, told Fox9 he was stunned by the hockey hurl:

“We’re in shock. She’s within 5 feet, and she didn’t even hesitate. Like she was trying to hurt him.”

And hurt him it did; they’ve got the receipts:

According to the charges, dental records show the child lost an upper front-right baby tooth due to the incident and had been “completely knocked out with no root left behind.” Records also noted bruising.

On Tuesday, Kimberly pleaded guilty.

Courtesy of ABC5:

Under the terms of her plea deal, she’d serve two days in jail and five years of supervised probation for pleading guilty. Additionally, she’d receive a stay of adjudication, allowing her to maintain a clean criminal record as long as she doesn’t violate her probationary terms. That deal still has to be formally accepted by a judge.

If she no longer plans to teach, perhaps she should consider taking up the javelin. Or joining a trident battle league. Either way, for all the appearance of kids getting away with everything these days, in Minnesota, one youngster couldn’t even toss a stick onto a bunch of other sticks without getting treated like a human puck.

Kimberly’s sentencing is set for Feb. 23rd.


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