
ABC’s Martha Raddatz blames Republicans for border crisis

The media is ever so slowly acknowledging that the southern border is too porous, and they have been trying to find a way to hang the crisis on Republicans.

Must have something to do with the polling that has consistently shown that Americans don’t appreciate the unlimited flood of illegal immigrants washing over our shores. Until November 9th nobody in the media acknowledged that there was even a problem, but it is far enough away from the next election that they can safely do so.

Given that under President Trump’s leadership the flow of illegal migrants had slowed considerably and that the floodgates opened under Biden, how can this be the Republicans’ fault?

Funny you should ask! It turns out that talking about the problem causes the problem.

That is the perfect liberal answer if you think about it.

You see, if Abbot, DeSantis and Trump would just shut up, nobody south of the border would have even thought about coming across the Rio Grande. It is their complaints that the border is open that is inspiring all those desperate people to contract with or bribe cartels to get them into the US.

Really, if you think about it, the inmigration has nothing to do with Biden’s policies at all. If he had his druthers nobody would even talk about illegal immigration, and as we all know not talking about a problem makes it go away.

Ignorance is bliss: journalism today.

There was a time when it was only academics who believed that reality was merely a human construct created by language, but a long while back the MSM caught the “reality is what we say it is” bug. They either firmly believe–and I think that is true for the younger set–that you can will reality into existence, or they believe that they can create your beliefs by becoming the spokesperson for reality.

This is another example of what totalitarians do. It is why Stalin had his former friends and allies airbrushed out of photos–if you control what people see and say you eventually can control what people think. That is the theory, at least.

It really isn’t true, though. The Soviets found that out when their society collapsed into chaos–words alone do no make for a reality. China’s cultural revolution ultimately failed, and their current system will as well. North Korea is poor, propped up solely by fear and nuclear weapons.

And the same is true for the flood of illegals. You can ignore it, you can lay blame elsewhere, you can propagandize all you want…but the truth is that by end of Biden’s first term the US population will have increased by 2% solely because of illegal immigration. That is an astounding number–and nobody is going to buy that it is Gregg Abbot’s fault. And it is too large a fact to ignore because everybody can see it with their own eyes.

There actually is a limit to what even the most clueless person will accept, and this is likely a talking point too far. Perhaps even Martha Raddatz might understand that.



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