
December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor…and Midway

  • December 7, 2022

Today is the day “that will live in infamy.” The sleepy December Sunday that gave us horrific pictures of the USS Arizona with roiling clouds of thick black smoke belching from amidships, and towering flames shooting skywards, sideways, everywhere. Frantic sailors, desperately trying to save her, their shipmates and themselves. Unbelievable acts of devotion, duty […]


Could Musk’s neural implants leave people as zombies?

  • December 7, 2022

Last week, we looked at Elon Musk’s Neuralink Corporation and the computer chips he plans to begin implanting in the brains of human test subjects as soon as next year. These types of medical advancements offer the possibility of dramatic improvements in the lives of some patients, particularly those with significant physical disabilities. But they […]


Jane Fonda’s Latest Act

  • December 7, 2022

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of As people age, some loosen their standards and sometimes become incredibly foolish. The vigilance employed when you’re young and foraging disappears as you become comfortable, complacent, and well-fed. Describes most every Hollywood celebrity to a “T,” no matter […]


Lame-duck amnesty danger: Time to hold GOP establishment accountable

  • December 7, 2022

Could the GOP establishment possibly make a disappointing midterm cycle into a catastrophe? They certainly seem prepared to try, even after watching the Georgia runoff embarrassment. Having lost the Senate and an opportunity for a muscular House majority, the party’s leadership now wants to play right into the hands of open-borders Democrats. Senate Republican Thom […]