
The FBI factor

  • December 8, 2022

I wish National Review would let Andrew McCarthy’s columns out from behind its paywall, but it is not to be. I have paid the big bucks to read Andy’s columns and found the fee worth it, but it rubs against the grain of the Internet. Surely some one or two of NR’s benefactors could spring […]

China or U.S.? Sen. Grassley Slams Twitter’s 2020 Election Interference

  • December 8, 2022

“Simply put, what they did is expected of communist China not the United States of America.”  Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) slammed Twitter’s censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, revealed in the “Twitter Files,” as election interference. Twitter CEO Elon Musk and journalist Matt Taibbi have released the first installment of the Twitter Files on […]

‘But Hunter!’ Cruz-Hater Doesn’t Get Difference Between Minor and Adult

  • December 8, 2022

So is this the worst person on the internet, or just the dumbest? It’s been reported that Sen. Ted Cruz’s 14 year-old daughter was admitted to the hospital for wounds due to “self harm.” It’s a heart-breaking situation that should be private or, at the very least, handled with circumspection and respect. Instead, this being […]

Gay Man OBLITERATES Arguments For Child Mutiliation, ‘Leave Our Kids Alone’

  • December 8, 2022

Frank Rodriguez is the California leader for the Gays Against Groomers group. On December 7, he called out the Redlands City School District in Illinois for their extreme grooming behavior with their encouragement of gender transformation surgeries for kids.  The video has garnered over 80,000 views on Twitter and is quickly becoming a viral phenomenon.  […]

Twitter, Facebook Censorship of Hunter Biden Bombshell Helped Steal 2020 Election

  • December 8, 2022

(CNS News) — The ongoing release of internal Twitter documents revealing the company’s decision to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 presidential election largely confirms a post-election poll showing how Big Tech and Big Media stole the election for Joe Biden.  The New York Post broke the laptop story, which allegedly […]

Nets Stuck in Censorship Denialism, Ignore Massive Twitter Files Development

  • December 8, 2022

Journalist Matt Taibbi published a 10-tweet thread Tuesday afternoon as a supplement to last Friday’s first batch of the Twitter Files, explaining its rollout was hamstrung by meddling from Twitter Deputy General Counsel, former CNN analyst, and Swamp creature Jim Baker. In conjunction with the thread, Musk said Baker was fired upon being alerted to […]