Elizabeth Warren Asks Federal Reserve To Investigate Banking System’s Exposure To Crypto | The Daily Wire

  • December 8, 2022

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Sen. Tina Smith (D-NM) asked the Federal Reserve to examine the banking system’s exposure to cryptocurrencies amid continued fallout from defunct company FTX. In a letter addressed to Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, the lawmakers noted that cryptocurrency firms have desired the “benefits that come with federal recognition from bank […]

Authorities Report Five Electricity Substations Targeted In Pacific Northwest Days After North Carolina Attacks | The Daily Wire

  • December 8, 2022

Five electricity substations in Oregon and Washington were targeted in November, according to three energy companies who reported the attacks to the FBI.  Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Puget Sound Energy, and the Cowlitz County Public Utility District confirmed their substations were attacked in November, the Seattle Times reported. Reports of the November attacks come just […]

PETERSON: Exodus — Tyranny, Slavery, And The Journey To Freedom | The Daily Wire

  • December 8, 2022

The following is a transcript excerpt from Dr. Peterson on the opening chapter of Exodus. You can watch “Exodus: Episode 1” on DailyWire+.  Episode time: 10:56  One of the things that has really fascinated me about Exodus – apart from the fundamental structure of the narrative, which is escape from tyranny, sojourn through the desert, and […]

Jennifer Lawrence Facing Backlash After Claiming She Was First Lead Female Action Hero; Variety Deletes Tweet | The Daily Wire

  • December 8, 2022

Hollywood star Jennifer Lawrence is facing backlash after she falsely claimed that “nobody had ever put a woman in the lead of an action movie” prior to 2012’s “Hunger Games” — and Variety has since deleted its tweet in which she made that claim. During a Variety Actors on Actors interview, the 32-year-old actress claimed she […]

KJP Gushes Over Griner’s Release: An ‘Important Role Model’ For ‘LGBTQI+ Americans And Women Of Color’ | The Daily Wire

  • December 8, 2022

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre praised WNBA player Brittney Griner during Thursday’s press conference after the Biden administration released a notorious terrorist from custody in exchange for Griner being released from a Russian prison after she was arrested on drug charges earlier this year. “President Biden keeps his promises and today he fulfilled a […]


The FBI factor

  • December 8, 2022

I wish National Review would let Andrew McCarthy’s columns out from behind its paywall, but it is not to be. I have paid the big bucks to read Andy’s columns and found the fee worth it, but it rubs against the grain of the Internet. Surely some one or two of NR’s benefactors could spring […]

China or U.S.? Sen. Grassley Slams Twitter’s 2020 Election Interference

  • December 8, 2022

“Simply put, what they did is expected of communist China not the United States of America.”  Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) slammed Twitter’s censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, revealed in the “Twitter Files,” as election interference. Twitter CEO Elon Musk and journalist Matt Taibbi have released the first installment of the Twitter Files on […]