Sexist Kimmel Attacks GOP Rep’s Looks, Says She Looks Like A Lesbian

  • December 9, 2022

GOP Rep. Vicky Hartzler opposed Congress’s same-sex marriage bill which led ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel to attack her looks on Thursday, specifically claiming she looks like a lesbian, while also telling to “get over” her religious beliefs. Kimmel introduced a clip of Hartzler on the House floor by reporting, “So, every Democrat and 39 Republicans voted in […]

George Soros: The Money Behind Leftist Media & Censorship (CensorTrack with Paiten)

  • December 9, 2022

George Soros’ globalist influence extends across time and borders. His charities fund hundreds of media organizations worldwide. This week’s episode of CensorTrack with Paiten featured MRC Business & MRC Free Speech America Associate Editor Joseph Vazquez, who covered the first part of a new MRC Business report: “Propaganda Czar: Soros Bankrolls 253 Groups to Influence […]

As Noah Departs, CBS Mourns Decline in Late Night Viewership

  • December 9, 2022

As Trevor Noah stepped down as host of The Daily Show, Friday’s CBS Mornings lamented the general decline of late night TV. As correspondent Michelle Miller went through the data and upcoming Daily Show guest hosts, it never occurred to anyone that liberal activism might have something to do with it. As part of Miller’s […]

Biden Admin’s Airport Panty Raider Strikes Again

  • December 9, 2022

Pro tip: If you’re into stealing women’s luggage from airport carrousels, try to look inconspicuous – something more subdued than Mr. Clean in a Cocktail Dress. Because that’s not working out for Biden administration sub-dude Sam Brinton.  You may or (probably) not have heard that the first gender-fluid federal government official (Yay!) was accused of […]

STUDY: Trevor Noah’s Daily Show Guests Were 86 Percent Democratic

  • December 9, 2022

During his seven-year tenure as host of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, Trevor Noah brought a reliably liberal bias to the program, a NewsBusters study has found. MRC analysts found that from when Noah began hosting The Daily Show on September 28, 2015 through his final show on December 8, 2022, Noah had on 159 […]

Evil Lives

  • December 9, 2022

The specter of communism, one of the most monstrous and destructive ideologies to ever haunt humanity, is still with us.

NewsBusters Podcast: Soros and the Media-Manipulating Billionaires

  • December 9, 2022

While the leftist media are now tearing into Elon Musk as a menace for buying Twitter, they can only gaze fondly upon media-manipulating billionaires on the left. Jeff Bezos became the savior of The Washington Post. George Soros is reshaping the news through billions in philanthropy to media outlets, not through outright ownership.  Joseph Vazquez, […]

NBC Fluffs Fauci in Interview: He’s Not Afraid to ‘Return to Masking’

  • December 9, 2022

On Wednesday night’s edition of NBC Nightly News, anchor Lester Holt offered disgraced doctor Tony Fauci a sit-down interview to help him rehabilitate his image on his way out the door toward retirement from his job in the federal government. Not only did Holt fluff Fauci, but he did it during the opening segment of […]

CNN’s Cupp: GOP Leaders Should Have Told Trump—Herschel Is ‘CRAP’

  • December 9, 2022

S.E. Cupp, a “CNN Republican,” apparently thinks it’s cool to use a vulgar term to describe Herschel Walker. On today’s CNN This Morning, in a post-mortem panel on Walker’s campaign, Cupp said that Republicans might have had a better result in Georgia: “If you had a strong Republican leadership willing to say to Donald Trump, this candidate […]