
Notes on the Twitter Files, cont’d

  • December 11, 2022

Elon Musk has divvied up the Twitter Files documenting the platform’s historical censorship practices to Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss, and Michael Shellenberger. Each has posted long threads on Twitter reporting on the contents of the files. I posted my notes on Taibbi’s first thread on December 6. I have an abbreviated set of notes and […]

Ratcliffe Says Only One Reason Why Official From Top Spy Office Met With Twitter | The Daily Wire

  • December 11, 2022

No one in the U.S. intelligence community had authorization to claim the Hunter Biden laptop story was part of a Russian disinformation plot, a top official from the Trump administration said on Sunday. In an interview in which he discussed  “The Twitter Files,” former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe insisted there was only one […]


Elon Musk Teases Damning New Twitter Files Release, Makes Shocking Statement About Anthony Fauci

  • December 11, 2022

Is the most damning installment of the “Twitter Files” on the way? If Elon Musk’s latest statements are any guide, I’d say that’s affirmative. According to Musk, the internal documents dealing with the social media giant’s censorship of COVID-19 information are coming “big time.” He teased the future release with a couple of very unambiguous […]

CBS Fawns over Pelosi: Understatement She’s World’s Most Powerful Woman

  • December 11, 2022

On Sunday, CBS Sunday Morning anchor Jane Pauley opened her show by fawning over her pal and fellow Democrat, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Pauley gushed that it “might be an understatement” when Forbes Magazine named Pelosi in their top 100 most powerful women in the world.  “This past week, Forbes Magazine named House […]


Tim Tebow Has a Perfect Message for Men Going Into the New Year

  • December 11, 2022

(The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of I’ve said for a while now that there are few good role models for men, young men in particular, in the current public sphere. Violence, aggression, and loneliness are not only common themes portrayed in media, but they’ve […]

America Is Not Broken

  • December 11, 2022

The nation faces serious problems, but its existing political tradition has plenty of strength to fix them.