
Janet Yellen thinks the job market picture is just peachy

  • December 12, 2022

My goodness. She’s so cluelessly out of touch, you almost wish she’d go steal a suitcase of men’s underwear and get put out to pasture for a couple of months. What planet are you guys on? — Proud American (@itswhatumakeit) December 12, 2022 In point of fact, persistent enough rumors are swirling about the gnomish […]


Marble Halls & Silver Screens With Sarah Lee Ep. 141: The ‘Twitter/FBI Pipeline, Disenchanted, and Toxic Testosterone’ Edition

  • December 12, 2022

The Twitter files just keep on dropping and one person in particular is looking very, very sketchy as more information is revealed. Head of safety and trust Yoel Roth apparently had been holding weekly meetings with representatives from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence before […]