Networks Sound Alarm Over Migrant Crisis, Lifting Trump-Era Title 42

  • December 14, 2022

After downplaying or ignoring the rapidly deteriorating situation at the southern border, the big three evening newscasts sang a different tune Wednesday night having realized they can no longer ignore the situation without looking out of touch.  During the ABC World News Tonight broadcast, correspondent Matt Rivers sounded the alarm over the “unprecedented situation near downtown […]


The Pulitzer Prize Dis-Honors: Shark Bigotry, Fetterman Frippery, and CNN Pimpin’ for Pepsi

  • December 14, 2022

Our weekly recognition of less-than-meritorious excellence in journalism worthy of a skewed version of Pulitzer Prize consideration. As an extension of the media-mocking venture at Townhall, Riffed From the Headlines, we once again recognize the exalted performances in our journalism industry and compile worthy submissions for the Pulitzer Prize board in numerous categories. To properly recognize […]

All Noblesse, No Oblige

  • December 14, 2022

Much of our cultural and political elite — the ‘ruling class’ — is heavily invested in denying that it is an elite at all.


WATCH: The Washington Post Announces Layoffs, and All Hell Breaks Loose

  • December 14, 2022

No matter how much they gaslight, the news media isn’t immune from economic reality. Don’t tell the employees of those outlets that, though. The same people who have been preaching all year that the economy is fine couldn’t fathom that the very policies they’ve supported might end up costing them their jobs. That’s what made […]


@Jack Takes the Blame

  • December 14, 2022

Jack Dorsey is the founder and former CEO of Twitter. In a social media post, he comments on the current Twitter controversies and takes the blame for the company’s problems: There’s a lot of conversation around the #TwitterFiles. Here’s my take, and thoughts on how to fix the issues identified. I’ll start with the principles […]


Joe Biden’s Economic Mistakes Are Crushing Families This Christmas

  • December 14, 2022

The opinions expressed in guest op-eds are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of New data and survey results show that the inflation caused by Joe Biden’s policies is having a severe impact on the economy, and it’s ruining Americans’ Christmas season for millions of families. The National Retail Federation conducted […]


Philip Bump gaslights readers on what ‘lockdown’ means

  • December 14, 2022

Philip Bump had a story up at the Post yesterday titled “The sliding definition of ‘lockdown’ in U.S. politics.” I missed it yesterday but today I caught Pradheep Shanker’s reference to it on Twitter. Pradheep called it “fundamentally dishonest” and he’s absolutely right about that. In fact, the headline for the piece works pretty well […]