NHL Raves About Trans Hockey … After Male Injures Female

  • December 15, 2022

Hockey is for everyone, including large trans males knocking the stuffing out of smaller females. The National Hockey League said so, but after a woman was injured in a transgender hockey game, the league had to dine on crow for its support of transgender sports.  This happened Nov. 19 and 20, but what happened there […]

‘Whiff of a Loser’— Scarborough’s Mock Movie Title for Trump

  • December 15, 2022

The liberal media is exulting in dancing on what it presumes to be Donald Trump’s political grave.  Take today’s Morning Joe. Joe Scarborough, noting a poll showing Trump with an historically low approval rating, and playing off the title of the Al Pacino movie, Scent of a Woman, Joe claimed that Jonathan Lemire has a movie […]

The Brian Stelter Memorial Award for Worst Quote of the Year

  • December 15, 2022

It was a challenging task, but an esteemed panel of NewsBusters editors led by MRC President L.Brent Bozell and MRC’s Vice President for Research and Publications Brent Baker, boiled down all the biased outbursts from lefty hack hosts, anchors, reporters and pundits in 2022 and declared a winner. This year the winner is Don Lemon!  […]