Conservatives Respond To Trump’s ‘Major Announcement’: ‘I Supported Trump For Years But This Is Ridiculous’ | The Daily Wire

  • December 15, 2022

Former President Donald Trump revealed Thursday that the “MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT” that he teased earlier in the week — which some of his supporters thought could be anything ranging from his announcing a bid for House Speaker to announcing who he would want to be his VP pick should he win the GOP primary — was […]


She Made an Idiot Out of Me

  • December 15, 2022

When Kyrsten Sinema campaigned for the Senate as an independent voice for Arizona, her volunteers didnt take that literally. Perhaps they heard what they wanted to hear. Ana Doan, a retired teacher, thought Sinema would bring fresh energy to Washington as Arizonas first openly LGBTQ senator. Devina Alvarado, a young Costco forklift driver, thought Sinema […]


First trans woman on death row in US begs Missouri governor for mercy

  • December 15, 2022

The first openly transgender woman slated for execution in the US is appealing to Missouri’s governor for mercy, citing mental health struggles. Lawyers for Amber McLaughlin, now 49, on Monday asked Republican Gov. Mike Parson to spare her life before her Jan. 3 execution. She was convicted of killing her 45-year-old ex-girlfriend Beverly Guenther on […]


James Cameron’s Avatar: The Way of Water Is a Can-You-Believe-It Spectacle That Looks to the Future

  • December 15, 2022

James Cameron’s Avatar: The Way of Water is not a masterpiece. It’s too long, too cheesy, too self-indulgent and simplistic in its portrayal of a clash between environmental-spiritual natives and soulless corporate profit hunters. But it might be something better than a masterpiece, something more essential: an earnest, populist, can-you-believe-it cinematic spectacle built on hope […]


Ketanji Brown Jackson and the Future of Progressive Originalism

  • December 15, 2022

Many conservative legal activists today purport to be constitutional originalists, meaning they say they follow the original meaning of the Constitution at the time of its adoption. Yet some of those same activists also embrace dodgy legal theories that, when examined in detail, prove to be entirely at odds with constitutional text and history. The […]


Subsidies To Help Workers Would Hurt Poor People

  • December 15, 2022

For some time now, legislators have been eager to jack up subsidies for workers, whether it’s by raising the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), hiking the minimum wage, or simply giving out cash benefits. Indeed, Democrats are hoping to achieve one of those goalsthe EITC expansionduring the lame-duck session. One argument commonly used to justify […]