
BEST BRONX VIDEO EVER! “Trump Veinte Veinticuatro!” – MORE INCREDIBLE REACTION VIDEO FROM HISTORIC TRUMP BRONX RALLY! Rally-Goers LOVE TRUMP! – VIDEO | The Gateway Pundit | by Cara Castronuova

There was magic in the air last evening when President Trump descended on the South Bronx for a historic rally.

Please see more of our coverage of real Bronx residents reacting to President Trump’s visit!

This reporter broke this story for Newsmax back in November, highlighting Trump’s surprising support in the bluest of New York City’s boroughs.

It was incredible to witness the streets of the Bronx light up and the palpable excitement during the day leading up to a rally where tens of thousands waited on line to get in.

Red Maga hats dotted the streets as a colorful rainbow of people gathered around Crotona Park in the South Bronx. Vendors on street corners sold Trump flags, tee shirts and hats to passerby. It was absolutely surreal.

Missing were the counterprotestors of 2020. Only a few anti-trumpers showed up and were generally disregarded by the open-minded crowd- many seemingly touched that a republican president would take the time to come to their hometown.

“I am so happy that he showed up to the Bronx and showed us love,” said a Bronx rally-goer. “Now we are going to show love to him in November, for sure.”

Hispanic Trump supporters in the South Bronx, New York.

Many waited on line for over seven hours and did not get in. As to be expected, the fake news did not report on this. *We at the Gateway Pundit will post video of the crowd that did not get in shortly.

Sadly, the police were unable to process more than half the crowd- many of them high school and college age students curious to see what the “Trump hype” was about.

“I’m here to see what all the hype is about,” said a young mother with her daughter that did not get in the rally due to holdups at entranceway.

“I’m open minded to what Trump has to say,” said another teenaged boy with a group of friends.

Please check back with the Gateway Pundit soon for another solid package of the Bronx kids and young adults on the street outside the rally all shouting “Trump 2024 and F Joe Biden”!

In the end God wins, even in the Bronx.

Please follow Cara on Twitter.

Cara is an Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion and Television Personality. She is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution. You can follow her on Twitter HERE or Instagram HERE @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights. You can contact Cara at if you have any tips.

“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.



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