
Trump Calls for a Drug Test Requirement for Debate, Biden Team Response Tells You All You Need to Know

There is now an agreement on two 2024 presidential debates, one in June with CNN and one in September with ABC. 

Former President Donald Trump accepted two more, proposed by Fox and then on Telemundo/NBC, but Joe Biden has not agreed to those. He obviously only wants debates on networks he thinks he can influence: 


“The debate about debates is over,” a Biden campaign official said. “No more games.”

In a statement Friday night, the Trump campaign responded by blasting Biden’s decision.

“The Telemundo/NBC debate would be widely watched by Hispanic voters, but Biden’s handlers are petrified to allow him to defend his disastrous record,” campaign spokeswoman Danielle Alvarez said. “Crooked Joe Biden is too ‘cobarde’ to address the Hispanic community and answer for his failures on the debate stage!”

It’s been the Biden team that’s been playing the “games,” and trying to set all kinds of restrictions and only agreeing to the things that he thinks help him. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has also claimed that he would qualify for the first CNN debate; Biden had said he didn’t want Kennedy included. So what happens there remains to be seen. 

READ MORE:  Prospective Debates Just Got More Complicated As RFK Jr. Now Says He Would Qualify for CNN

Trump spoke at the Minnesota GOP’s annual Lincoln Reagan fundraising dinner on Friday. 

While he identified a debate requirement he wanted of his own. Trump is now asking for what I think is a very important requirement for the debate — a drug test. He said he thought Biden was going to be “jacked up.” 


“He can’t talk, he can’t walk, can’t find his way off a stage. Can’t put two sentences together,” Trump said. 

“Although he has agreed to debate, so I don’t know, maybe they know something. He’s going to be so jacked up for those debates, you watch. 

“I’m going to demand a drug test,” he declared. 

I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union,” Trump said. “He was high as a kite.” By the end of the evening, Trump said, Biden was “exhausted.”  “We’re going to demand a drug test.” 

According to Politico, Ron Klein — who runs the Biden debate camp — wouldn’t respond when asked if any illegal substances were used as part of their debate prep. 

That says it all right there, doesn’t it? They can’t answer that question. That should send off honking red alarm bells. And actually, I would have made the question broader: Are any drugs — illegal or not — being used to help enhance his performance? 


One has to wonder if this is a requirement, whether Biden would be able to comply and would he blow off the debate instead? I think Biden may simply say “no more rules,” even though he’s the one who put all kinds of restrictions that favor him on the debates.  But then, the Trump campaign can call him out for being a coward and keep raising questions about being “juiced.” 

The only good thing for Biden may be that people have such low expectations for him if he walks across the stage and doesn’t fall off, the media will spin it as a win. 

The problem with Joe is he’s still Joe. No matter how much they try to help him, that’s the biggest weight around his neck. 



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