
Minnesota AG Keith Ellison Reveals His Ignorance on Glocks, Product Liability

Anti-gun Democrats (but I repeat myself) all seem to have one thing in common: They know nothing about guns. Case in point: Minnesota’s Attorney General Keith Ellison, who somehow thinks a Glock pistol can be modified to shoot 1,200 rounds per minute. Yes, really.


There are a couple of things wrong with this statement.

First: 1,200 rounds per minute? It’s pretty certain a Glock’s action can’t cycle that quickly. The M134 minigun, that of movie fame, runs at from 2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute, and it has a battery of six rotating barrels driven by an electric motor.

Second: Even if we concede that these guns can be so modified, the rate of fire notwithstanding, Attorney General Ellison is calling Glock to account for illegal modifications made to their legal product. This would be akin to charging Chevrolet with a crime because someone made some illegal modification to one of their cars and then used it to rob a bank.

It is possible to legally own one of the devices to which Ellison is referring if one wants to go through the National Firearms Act process to do so; they are called an “auto-sear,” and a Glock pistol so modified is indeed capable of automatic fire, although not at anywhere near 1,200 rounds per minute; as he is in the habit of doing where guns are concerned, Ellison just made that part up. While, initially, some of these “parts kits” were imported from China, there are now 3D printing plans widely available, and no matter how much AG Ellison tries to blame Glock, that toothpaste is not going back in the tube.


But then, this isn’t the first time AG Ellison has tried to go down this road.

See Related: MN AG Keith Ellison’s Ridiculous Comment on Automakers Whose Cars Are ‘Tempting’ Young People to Steal 

Like many big-city District Attorneys, Ellison seems determined to blame the sword for the hand that wields it and, in the process, place blame for crime anywhere but where it belongs — with the criminals. That would require prosecuting malefactors, which, for some reason, blue-city and blue-state prosecutors and AGs seem loathe to do. Also, they seem not to understand that the root cause is never with the tool; it’s always with the criminal.

See Related: Four Dead, Five Injured in Mass Stabbing in Rockford, Illinois; No Known Motive at This Time

Keith Ellison, like all too many blue-state figures who are supposedly responsible for prosecuting criminals, seems to want to do anything but prosecute criminals. Ellison wants to blame Glock for criminals illegally modifying guns; he wants to blame auto companies for making their products too easy to steal; he wants to place blame anywhere but on the people who are committing the crimes.


The people of Minnesota deserve better. But, as the saying goes, they are getting the government they voted for, good and hard.



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