
Two-time Loser Stacey Abrams’ Campaign $1 Million in Debt Despite Raising $100 Million

Two-time loser Stacey Abrams is reportedly $1 million in debt despite raising over $100 million for her second failed bid for Governor of Georgia.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Abrams has already hinted at another run for governor during an appearance on ABC’s ‘Good Morning America.’

Must be the money.

The New York Post reports:

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Stacey Abrams’ campaign is $1 million in debt — despite raising more than $100 million in her second straight unsuccessful Georgia gubernatorial bid​, according to a report Monday.

The Democratic stalwart’s campaign owes the cash to vendors, Axios reported, citing manager Lauren Groh-Wargo. ​

Though Abrams is known for her fundraising and get-out-the-vote skills, the campaign’s 180 full-time staffers got their last paychecks Nov. 15, just a week after Election Day, the report said.

“People have told me they have no idea how they’re going to pay their rent in January,” ​a former staffer told ​the outlet. “It was more than unfortunate. It was messed up.”​

Groh-Wargo claimed the campaign was hit by a “cavalcade of negative press and negative polling” that hindered fundraising in the final months, adding that it has had to work with brokers to sell donor and voter databases to help pay down the debt. ​​

The news follows an investigation by the Washington Free Beacon that found Abrams’s New Georgia Project is getting donations without a license in at least nine states. This could open them up to criminal inquiries – the penalties could range from $25 to $25,000.



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