
Podcast: Michael Walsh on ‘Against the Great Reset’

We live in a time of “crisis addicts,” in which the left cannot shake its addiction to what might be called “crisis porn.” Remember Rahm Emanuel proclaiming in 2009, “Never let a good crisis go to waste”? He was merely stating openly what has been obvious for a century now—that governments use a “crisis” to expand its power and reach permanently, never entirely relinquishing new powers and higher spending after the crisis has passed.

COVID was the ultimate crisis for progressives, because it was global in scope and allowed an appeal to “science” to bolster the vast new claims of authoritarian power over entire populations. The World Economic Forum called for a “Great Reset,” in which our globalist elites would undertake to use the COVID pandemic to effect a wholesale restructuring of the world’s economy, always along the dreamy utopian lines of failed socialist experiements everywhere.

Michael Walsh assembled a lineup of writers to take on this monstrosity in Against the Great Reset: Eighteen Theses Contra the New World Order. I highly recommend this collection, which includes several of everyone’s favorites, including Victor Davis Hanson, Michael Anton, David Goldman, and Angelo Codevilla. In this conversation, Michael and I depart from the merely economic and political questions to explore the deep cultural roots of the Great Reset, and why it is even more insidious than merely bad economic policy.

So listen here, or reset yourself over to our decidedly non-globalist minded hosts at Ricochet.



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