
Day of Reckoning is Coming for mRNA COVID Vax ‘Wrongdoers’ as Ron DeSantis Puts Them on Notice

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We’re hearing a lot about “accountability” these days. Elon Musk, in outing Twitter’s censorious leftist villains and reinstating wrongfully banned accounts, is holding the platform’s previous managers to account for their actions and cleaning house. Republicans are vowing to hold an array of people and organizations accountable when they take control of the House, including Anthony Fauci, the FBI, the DOJ, and Big Tech, among others. When an academic recently suggested “amnesty” for the purveyors of COVID wrongdoings, many said “to heck with that” and demanded accountability instead.

Well, our formerly all-powerful COVID overlords are now on a collision course with accountability and it comes in the form of Ron DeSantis. As RedState’s Bonchie reported last week, DeSantis announced he was “joining forces with Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo to go after mRNA vaccine manufacturers such as Pfizer for misleading about the efficacy of their vaccines, leading to overbearing, needless public mandates.” Today, DeSantis took another step in formalizing that process by announcing he is filing “a petition with the Supreme Court of Florida to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate any and all wrongdoing in Florida with respect to Covid-19 vaccines.”

He went on to say:

“We anticipate that we will get the approval for that, that will be something that will be impaneled most likely in the Tampa Bay area, and that will come with legal processes that will be able to get more information and to bring legal accountability for those who committed misconduct.”


As per usual, DeSantis is the gold standard for how all Republicans should govern: with steely determination, focus, and fearlessness. He is the king of holding wrongdoers accountable, from wayward school boards to Disney to the media. Anyone in a Republican leadership role would do well to follow his lead in relentlessly going after the bad actors seeking to wage war against families and destroy our country’s institutions.

In fact, were the GOP leadership in DC to have a fraction of the courage and tenaciousness that we’re seeing from their counterparts in the states, the likelihood of red fizzle elections and party rancor would greatly diminish. Just yesterday, a special grand jury impaneled by Virginia’s Republican attorney general, Jason Miyares, handed down criminal charges against former Loudoun County Public School superintendent, Scott Ziegler, and Wayde Byard, public information officer for Loudoun Country schools. This is what Republicans at all levels need to be doing — using every weapon in their arsenal to seek justice for parents who saw their rights trampled on by power-hungry school bureaucrats, business owners who were forced to close their doors because of draconian government lockdown measures and everyday citizens who were forced into taking mRNA vaccinations just to keep their jobs. The electorate is hungry for this kind of bold action.

We are now 21 days from Republicans taking control of the House of Representatives. The new speaker, whomever that may end up being, and all new committee chairs should take a page out of the DeSantis and Miyares books and go all out against Democrats, Big Tech, the duplicitous corporate media, and all bureaucrats, big and small, who were involved in making America a lesser, weaker version of itself.

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