
VA School Resubmits Application For After School Satan Club

Last week, word about an After-School Satan Club at a school in Chesapeake, Virginia caused a slate of public backlash, which led the original sponsor to withdraw her name from the club.

Now, as of December 6, a new sponsor has resubmitted the application. 

News about the club broke last week when a flyer invitation circled the internet reading, ”Have fun at after-school Satan Club” at B.M. Williams Primary School. 

Outraged parents swarmed the Southeastern Virginia community, prompting the application for the club, hosted by The Satanic Temple, to be withdrawn. But within a few hours, local club volunteer, Rose Bastet, said that a new application had been submitted. 

An “ordained minister” and campaign director for the The Satanic Temple, June Everett, told Fox News, “Regarding parents who are upset about the club, I would like them to know that we are here because we have worked with educators to develop an after-school program that is engaging and fun and helps young minds grow and thrive.”

Sure, thrive in the world of the devil. Seems “engaging” for sure. 

The same chick also said that the club is a counter-club to religious clubs, as the ASSC would serve “as a constructive and positive alternative to other religious after-school clubs that often glorify fear and indoctrination.” 

Supposedly, Everett’s son had a poor experience with a Christian-affiliated club which fueled not only her animosity toward God, but her personal commitment to help Satan spread on school grounds. 

ASSC is supposed to launch on December 15 and is dependent on the result of the scheduled Dec. 12 school board meeting. 

As sad as it is, it seems on par for school boards to consider something like a Satan club even while Christ-centered clubs and academics in general get overlooked. Public school systems as of late have been a s**t show. Whether it’s schools’ emphasis on books that promote LGBTQ content, providing kids with sexually explicit books, “equity committees” that hire based on filling demographic and race quotas over choosing the most qualified candidates, and pushing Critical Race Theory down kids’ throats, schools are no longer places where kids go to learn how to read and write, but instead learn not to trust their parents, that they’re probably transgender, that if they’re white they’re racists, and now, apparently, how to worship Satan. 

Let’s just hope that for once in recent school board history that the system focuses on what’s actually best for kids and not the opposite.



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