
WH Aides Walk Around ‘On Eggshells’ as Biden Fears He’ll Die Before Hunter’s Case Is Over: Report

When Robert Hunter Biden allegedly lied on a federal background check form in 2018 and illegally bought a firearm, who were the real victims?

Were they the people who could have been harmed by a man who, by his own admission, was in the throes of a drug habit that would have made “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” author Hunter S. Thompson tell the future president’s son, “Whoa — from one drug-loving Hunter to another, buddy, you need to check yourself before your wreck yourself”?

Were they the law-abiding gun owners of America, who are already seeing liberals pounce on the case as a reason to push for more gun control?

No, of course not. To the media, the real victim is President Joseph Robinette Biden — loving father, “devout Catholic” and family man extraordinaire.

In an NBC News report published Saturday that is unbelievable in how little blame is apportioned to either the charged son or the chronically enabling father, one source said Biden has “even lamented aloud that he might be dead before his son’s case is resolved.”

The article began with why Biden says he didn’t run for president in 2016: the loss of his son Beau.

“During the period between his vice presidency and presidency, Joe Biden was often asked about the campaign he didn’t run. In explaining why he passed on a White House bid in 2016, Biden would describe how the death of his eldest son, Beau, weighed heavily on him and his family,” the lede read.

“No man or woman should announce for president of the United States unless they can look the public in the eye and say, ‘I promise you I am giving 100 percent of my attention and dedication to this effort,’” Biden said in 2017.

(Never mind the fact that then-President Barack Obama made it quite clear that he would much prefer Hillary Clinton over Biden and that she had his support in the 2016 election, according to The New York Times. The whole thing sounds better if you ignore reality.)

That’s why, NBC reported, “people close to the president are increasingly [worried] about how the legal troubles of his remaining son, Hunter, could divide his attention at a time when he needs to be fully focused on what’s expected to be a razor close election.

“A distracted president, perhaps more prone to mistakes or missteps, is the political toll people close to Biden worry could hurt him in 2024 as his son faces at least one indictment and potentially trials in multiple jurisdictions stemming from his conduct during the height of his drug addiction.”

As NBC noted, things looked pretty rosy just three months ago, when U.S. Attorney David Weiss announced a plea agreement with Hunter Biden on gun and tax charges. The charges would all be dismissed in two years if Hunter were to abide by the terms of the deal.

Instead, U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika rejected the plea deal because it was — in her words — “confusing,” “not straightforward,” “unprecedented” and “atypical.”

In August, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Weiss as special counsel in the case. Weiss was seen as the architect of the plea deal and the move was criticized by many Republicans.

NBC described what happened next: “Hunter, his wife and their young son, Beau, joined the president and first lady during a … getaway last month in Lake Tahoe as Hunter’s legal team sparred with Delaware prosecutors over the next steps in his case, and House Republicans continued taking steps to ramp up their investigations.”

Hunter has now been indicted on the gun charges — a move that was also criticized by many Republicans.

“The emotional toll continues to weigh heavily on the president and first lady, who approach the most sensitive family matters as a father and mother above all else, according to a source familiar with their thinking,” NBC reported. “But the recent shift in their outlook has been dramatic, the source said.”

This includes Biden’s lamentations that he might be dead before Hunter’s case is resolved. Which, to be frank, isn’t exactly the best argument for another four-year term for Joe.

“So sensitive are White House aides about the matter that ‘everybody walks around on eggshells in the West Wing’ and are loath to raise the topic, another source familiar with the matter said,” NBC reported.

“Every day, this president wakes up and thinks about his deceased son and probably cries every day. And the weight of [Hunter’s legal troubles] is equally emotionally taxing,” said Michael LaRosa, Jill Biden’s former press secretary.

The Bidens, LaRosa said, are “incredibly protective of Hunter. Very much so, because he’s been unfairly made a target, but also because they’re protective of all their children and grandchildren, the way most people are. Obviously, it’s more amplified because Hunter is a political target.”

No. Hunter Biden is a serially irresponsible and thoroughly inept Beltway failson whose ticket through life has been his last name.

That ticket has suddenly been invalidated by Burisma, CEFC, the “laptop from hell,” and all of the lies — including Joe’s — that have been told to keep up the façade of the suffering drug addict who merely made a few little mistakes.

One feels sympathy for any addict and his family, but this addict’s father and chief enabler also happens to be the commander in chief, and he wants another four years in that position despite his prevarications as they relate to his son’s missteps.

If Biden is so worried about the accusations against Hunter, he should leave office when his term ends. The country needs a leader, after all, not an enabler.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.



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