
Barack Obama Holds Tiny Rally for Kamala in Las Vegas High School Gym | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission

Barack Obama holds a small rally in Las Vegas in a high school gym requiring ID to attend. 

The following comes from Pam on Facebook.

Obama swooped into Las Vegas, NV, to a high school gym to rally voters to go door to door for Kamala in Vegas. No longer the days of holding court in large venues.

The requirement was to sign up on GOOGLE with all your information again and receive an email to obtain entrance. The most hilarious requirement was you needed to show ID. Let me get this straight: I can vote in NV without showing ID, but to attend a high school gym to see a previous POTUS that divided the country, I need to show ID? Oh my, the IRONY.

We parked and got a good laugh that the street sign above said KARMA and right down the road was the State of NV Division of Welfare and Supportive Services.

I guess if you are going to have a rally of deceitful lies, you must cater to your captured audience. Sadly, they do not realize they are the bread and butter of the Dem party and being used to stay in their economic class to be wards of the system. KARMA

Walking up to the rally, the line was wrapped around the parking lot. All I could think is how are there this many uneducated people living in Las Vegas, Then again, they seem to be voting with their feelings…

Not common sense. Our inflation is through the roof with car insurance doubling, groceries and gas are highest in the nation and you want 4 more years of this nonsense?

The usual suspects were in line as this is my 3rd time going to see what the enemy is selling like the snake oil salesman they are. LGTBQ, Women with cat shirts on, the SEIU union and people with hair colors from the rainbow.

There was a black women wearing a shirt that said F Trump and a US flag as a cape and letting the flag touch the ground. She had a portable stereo that was blaring F Trump and Trump is a dictator rap songs. It was all I could do not to tackle her and rescue our grand flag from the disrespect it was given.

…We finally got into the gym and there was a set of risers that were full, and the rest of the people had standing room and crammed like sardines. The people working at the event stated there is an overflow room with 8 large TVs and we could go there.

I said, “I could watch my TV at home.” and they laughed. This was clearly over capacity and a fire hazard. You do not usually have people standing on the floor in a gym. The capacity is for both risers to be open and people sitting.

One emergency and people would have been trampled as the exit doors were at the back only. The risers on the other side of gym were not pulled out which I found odd; however, they were not in the line of the media cameras. Like each rally, the space is usually full of the stage, cameras and areas blocked off to make it look as if more people are there.

After standing there for 5 min. being pushed and shoved by attendees and not being able to be near an exit for emergency, I looked at my friend and said, I am sorry, but this is not safe. I think we should leave. We both agreed.

We escaped the gym and walked to the overflow room. My friend ran into her neighbor that was working the event. We tried to explain why she was supporting the wrong candidate.

You see, in Vegas, there are many people that have green cards, and she thought her friends and family were the people that would be deported. I found that interesting and think Trump needs to clarify that STAT. I also think the entire green card system needs to be improved upon.

We then found the police and said that the room was over capacity and is a fire hazard. He said YES and walked away. We looked at each other with surprise at the response.

We walked into the overflow room, and it had about 25 people in the room with 1000 chairs empty. There were only 4 TVs and one computer laptop, and the screens were not large. We laughed and laughed.

I said to a person working there, Trump is about to fill Madison Square Garden in NYC and Obama fills a venue with 3500 people. He nodded and laughed. That was very strange as if he did not care and was just there to get paid. The turnout was 3500 according to a local newspaper.

We decided we had enough and walked out as people were still trickling in and I had no idea where they were going to put them as the room was full except for the empty risers that were not near the camera view.

I was bummed we were not going to get to hear the lies spewed by the Dem candidates and Obama. I wanted to play a game of how many times do they say the words Trump, but our safety was more important.

The timing, however, was epic, as we exited 2 huge white buses pulled up and let people out. They had luggage and clearly were not from Vegas. The mystery buses right in my eyesight.

Also, across the street we hear a guy chanted TRUMP, and we started chanting with him. I saw him and he was noticeably young black man screaming, I got kicked out. He heard us chant and said those are my people, crossed the street and came and hugged us.

I saw the people that got off the bus and followed them.  They all crossed the street and went into the venue. They did NOT have to show an ID. That was interesting. Again, I do not know where they were going to put these people.

We got in the car and what did we find on each street? Several sprinter vans with signs with #’s on them and then we located 4 more large buses. How many people did they actually bus in is a mystery.

We then decided to go to our Election Dept where votes are counted. We pulled up and there were more cars than usual. I pulled around to the back where the workers park and was automatically concerned as several cars had CA plates. Now, I suppose they could be rental cars, but why do they have signs that say NV Election officials on them? I suppose it is because we have the GOLD standard of election security here in NV. YES, that was sarcasm.



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