
The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting

It’s still obviously very early in the process, but I think I may have identified the candidate that Democrats are going to run in the next presidential election. This isn’t a definite prediction. Everything’s subject to change at this point. But after what happened at the Democratic National Committee on Saturday, any reasonable person would agree that I’m onto something here.

For background, on Saturday, Democrats met to select a new chair for the DNC, along with a slew of other roles, including vice-chair. And one candidate for the job — her name is “Doctor Quintessa Hathaway” — stole the show. On her website, Doctor Quintessa describes herself as a “thought leader,” in addition to being a “scholar,” a “historian,” and an “entrepreneur.” She’s like a mini-Socrates, Stephen Ambrose, and Elon Musk rolled into one. Plus she’s a doctor on top of that.

Granted, Doctor Quintessa is a doctor in the sense that Jill Biden is a doctor, which means she’s a doctor in the sense that she’s not a doctor. She has some kind of education degree. But she’s not letting that slow her down. Her biography states that her goal in life is to, “continue to beat the drum of change.” And as she made her case at the DNC on Saturday, the good doctor did exactly that.

Here for example is how Doctor Quintessa began her opening statements at the DNC. To be clear, this is not some kind of sketch comedy show. This was broadcast on MSNBC, to literally dozens of viewers who were eagerly looking forward to seeing how their party was going to move forward after their massive loss in the last election. Watch:

Try to imagine what it must have been like, watching that performance as a committed true believer in the Democrat Party. You’re in some ballroom in Maryland. You’re hoping to see some kind of new approach to win over voters, who are clearly moving away from liberal politics. Meanwhile the candidates to lead your party are treating the whole thing like karaoke night. And by the way, Dr. Quintessa didn’t stop there. She kept on singing. She wouldn’t stop singing. Here she is again: 

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to encounter a character in a musical, but in real life, well now you know. And it’s just as annoying and off putting as you’d expect. 

In the end, I’m shocked to report, Doctor Quintessa — the esteemed scholar, historian and entrepreneur — did not — showed that this kind of thing is what cost the Democrats the last election. And the DNC chair just doubled down on it. Instead of saying, no, we shouldn’t fund sex changes for illegal aliens, he gave pretty much the same response Kamala Harris gave. He has embraced what is perhaps the single least popular position in political history. Funding sex changes for illegal aliens is the kind of thing seemingly designed to tick off nearly every group and demographic in the country, save for the demographic of pink-haired people with septum piercings.

Meanwhile, his vice chair admits that the party is committing political suicide just by associating with him. And in the background, there’s a chorus of non-binary men and angry “BIPOC” screaming about racism. That is the state of the Democrat Party in 2025.

The point here is not just to make fun of Democrats, although that’s a big part of it. The real point is that the DNC clearly has not learned a single thing from their recent humiliating defeats. The Democrat Party is a bicycle with only one gear. This is it. Identity politics is too deeply embedded in the core of the institution. It’s all they know how to do.

And that means that one of two outcomes is possible. Either the Democrats are headed towards a generation of irrelevance, or they will — somehow — successfully pull the culture back into the fog of wokeness that we only recently seem to be emerging from. Watching what happened at the DNC this weekend, the latter option admittedly doesn’t seem very likely at this point. But as long as these people are still running a major party in the United States, we have to consider that possibility, as remote as it may be. That’s why — after laughing at these people, and sharing as many of these clips as possible because they’re objectively hilarious — we need to do everything we can to make sure that they never hold power again.



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