
Journos Attack Trump & Musk as Fascist Nazis, Toss Bouquets to Biden

It’s been a busy month for your friendly neighborhood bias-trackers here at NewsBusters. 

The leftist media began it by attacking President Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees and dumping on his (inauguration) moment. 

They then proceeded to libel Trump and Elon Musk as a bunch of fascist Nazis, while tossing final bouquets to Joe Biden. 

The following are just some of the most obnoxious outbursts from leftist anchors, hosts, correspondents and pundits over the past month: 

MSNBC’s Measuring Scale for Trump

“On a fascism scale of one to ten with ten being peak fascism, how would you rate Trump’s first week?” 
— Substitute host Katie Phang to Democratic strategist James Carville on MSNBC’s The Beat, January 24.

We’re Not Saying Trump and Musk Are Nazis But…

“The first time that Elon Musk decides to declare that globalist Jews are responsible for the Great Replacement of brown people into the United States, maybe it was a misunderstanding. You know, the second time he said that ‘Jews are pushing hatred against white people,’ that’s a quote, you know, that was a little iffy. By the second Sieg Heil, I think he kind of loses the benefit of the doubt to be not accused of playing footsie with these Nazis. I’m not saying he’s a Nazi, I’m saying the Nazis think he’s a Nazi.”
Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell on CNN Newsnight with Abby Phillip, January 27. 

“Similarities to what happened in Germany, and what’s happening now in America are just undeniable….Trump and Stephen Miller, his former director of speechwriting, depict non-white immigrants as carriers of deadly diseases who are violent terrorists. Trump was returned to the presidency after staging a coup, and has exerted control of media or social media in order to parrot anti-immigrant vitriol and openly hateful anti-LGBTQ language, which is what Meta just did….There are the business leaders who pay him, fund him, and think they can control him. And then there was this startling image of Trump’s biggest paymaster Elon Musk, that many likened to a Nazi salute….I’m not saying that Donald Trump, his administration or his supporters want to exterminate millions of people in death camps but just ask yourself, who do they blame right now for all of our problems? It’s certainly not the greedy corporations or failed Republican policies.”
— Host Joy Reid on MSNBC’s The ReidOut, January 27.

“Billionaire Elon Musk gave what appeared to be a fascist salute Monday while making a speech at the post-inauguration celebration for President Donald Trump at the Capital One Arena. ‘Some elections are important, some are not. But this one, this one really mattered and I just want to say thank you for making it happen,’ Musk said before putting his hand on his chest and then raising it in a salute that appeared similar to the ‘Sieg Heil’ used by Nazis at their victory rallies. ‘It is thanks to you that the future of civilization is assured,’ Musk said.”
— From January 20 post on PBS’s News Hour account.

Trump Advocated for “Ethnic Cleansing” in Gaza 

Host Joy Reid: “Over the weekend, Donald Trump suggested moving more than a million Palestinians out of Gaza and into neighboring countries to, quote, ‘clean out’ the Gaza Strip. 
Clip of President Donald Trump: “I’d like Egypt to take people, and I’d like Jordan to take people. I mean, you’re talking about probably a million and a half people, and we just clean out that whole thing.”…
Reid: “I was stunned by the Associated Press reporting of the quote that we just heard Donald Trump saying in sound. And they did not use the word ‘ethnic cleansing’ in the Associated Press report, but what he described is ethnic cleansing, right?”
MSNBC political analyst Peter Beinart: “Absolutely. I’m glad it’s on tape so that, you know, hopefully, one day Donald Trump is before the Hague on some kind of international criminal tribunal, this can be played.” 
— MSNBC’s TheReidOut, January 27. 

Trump Ends DEI, Will He Put Black Men in Cages?

“Trump’s actions [ending DEI programs] echo President Woodrow Wilson’s then-unprecedented segregation of federal offices in 1913….That policy led to blacks being segregated or just summarily dismissed from federal positions nationwide….Those black workers who managed to keep their jobs, they were often subjected to inhumane and degrading treatment. In an open letter to Wilson, W.E.B. DuBois wrote, quote, ‘We are told that one colored clerk who could not actually be segregated on account of the nature of his work has consequently had a cage built around him to separate him from his white companions of many years.’ Take a second to let that sink in. A cage.”
— Host Katie Phang on MSNBC’s The Katie Phang Show, January 25.

You Voted for Trump and Eggs Are Still “Expensive,” “Great Job White Folks!”

“I wrote specifically about this issue — what he [Donald Trump] was going to do to the Department of Justice.…A majority of white people voted for this. This is the disgusting version of America that people want, and, oh, by the way, eggs are still more expensive. So you didn’t even get that. Great job, white folks.”
— The Nation justice correspondent Elie Mystal on MSNBC’s Velshi, January 25. 

Trump Going to Bring Back Segregation?

“When does he bring back segregated water fountains?”
— January 21 post by former CNN White House correspondent and CNBC correspondent John Harwood in response to announcement that President Donald Trump is ending DEI programs.

Worried By All the White People in “This Crowd”

“I have to say, I’m looking at this crowd, and I do not see many people of color. Is — is anybody else besides me observed that? I’m fascinated by why that is.”
CBS Mornings host Gayle King on CBS News’s live coverage of Donald Trump Inauguration, January 20.

Dickerson Dumps on Trump’s Inaugural Moment

“As a tonal matter, we were talking about this day which has a kind of special grace that hovers over it, political grudges are paused. Donald Trump benefited from that grace in the ceremony, but as is often the case, he did not feel obliged to extend the same grace or ceremony. He talked at some length about the horrible betrayal about the President [Joe Biden] who is sitting right over his shoulder….Does he enjoy the benefits of the office but not the obligations?…He’s the only person ever to take the presidential oath who’s been accused by the leaders of his party in the House, the Senate and his own Vice President of actively working to overthrow an election and therefore break with that oath.”
— Correspondent John Dickerson on CBS News’s live coverage of Donald Trump’s Inauguration, January 20.

So What If Trump Gets to Be President Again, As Long As We Get to Call Him a “Felon” 

“What’s also great punishment is the sentencing today, where the judge said, ‘You’re going to be President, you’re not going to go to jail, but you’re a convicted felon.’ And so for the rest of his life, any story written about him will have to mention the fact that he’s a convicted felon.”
— PBS contributor/Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart on PBS’s News Hour, January 10.

It’s Not California Democrat Incompetence, It’s Climate Change

“The Los Angeles wildfires have been devastating and should serve as a wake-up call to anyone disillusioned with politics and thinking about sitting out the upcoming Trump term. The reality is when it comes to the health of our planet we don’t have four years to spare. Experts say dry weather and high winds — brought on by climate change — will only make wildfires more common in California.”
— Host Al Sharpton on MSNBC’s PoliticsNation, January 12.

CBS Spin: Actually Biden Was Great! 

“In many ways, he [Joe Biden] did deliver. His administration oversaw the successful rollout of the Covid vaccines, the stock market steadily rose to record highs, while unemployment fell to a near-record low….He did so while racking up legislative victories, including massive new investments in clean energy and semiconductor manufacturing….And scored a win that eluded his predecessors, signing a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill.”
— Correspondent Nancy Cordes on CBS Sunday Morning, January 19. 

One Last Softball to Joe 

“When you got up from that desk last night, that was really the final big public moment in a 50-year political career. Yeah, that’s how long it was….You’ve served in government longer than any person who’s ever served in this job. What did that feel like at the end of that speech?… We were pushed out of the room as people were surrounding you, hugging you, and as that emotion was filling the room….Was there a sense of the release of a burden getting up from that desk?”
— Host Lawrence O’Donnell to President Joe Biden on MSNBC’s The Last Word, January 17.

American Voters “Gave Up on Democracy”

New York Times columnist/PBS contributor David Brooks: “We have followed him  [Joe Biden] for decades now. He’s done a wonderful job over the course of his career…But as Frank Foer wrote in The Atlantic today, his job was to end — to fight authoritarianism….to preserve democracy. And the election of Donald Trump suggested to some large degree he failed at that large mission.”….
Washington Post Associate Editor/PBS contributor Jonathan Capehart: “I don’t know if it’s so much that he failed, because he did try….I just wonder if, with these results, the American people just sort of gave up on democracy, or wanting to, ‘Hey, let’s try this authoritarianism, this guy who has told us what he wants to do. Let’s give that a shot.’”
PBS News Hour, January 17.

Fact-Checkers Bravely Risking Their Lives Everyday, Just Like Firefighters

“Cutting fact checkers from social platforms is like disbanding your fire department.”
— Former CNN journalist and co-founder of fact-checking outlet Lead Stories Alan Duke, as reported in a January 15 article.

Will Trump Immigration Limits Stop the Next Albert Einstein From Coming to America?

“In this documentary, you tell the stories of these individuals who immigrated to the U.S. and they were very successful. People like Albert Einstein. You know, when you look at Einstein and you look at Henry Kissinger, they were refugees to this country. Donald Trump set refugee admissions at very low levels first term. He’s talking about block refugee admissions this term. Is that a mistake?”
— Host Margaret Brennan to former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on CBS’s Face the Nation, January 12.


The Germans Voted for Hitler Too

Co-host Joy Behar: “This is not a normal inauguration. This is not a normal person. He’s a convicted felon. Why do they go as if this is a normal inauguration? It’s not.”…
Co-host Sara Haines: “The normalizing of President Trump happened when the American public went out and voted.”
Behar: “The Germans voted also. Just saying.”
— ABC’s The View, January 17. 

Joy Is Sad: I Miss Joe Biden Already 

“I miss him already. I miss him. He’s a good person. You know, he spent the last 50 years caring about the country. This other one spent 50 years scamming everybody, you know, and trying to stay out of jail. You know who I’m talking about. You know, I really miss Biden. I feel like we were safe, like I didn’t have to worry everything, was going to blow up — I could live my life while he was there. Now, every day I wake up and worry what is this guy going to do next and these oligarchs.”
— Co-host Joy Behar on ABC’s The View, January 16. 



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