
What Hamas Gave the Three Released Female Hostages Will Make Your Skin Crawl and Your Anger Boil Over

On Sunday, the first group of hostages set to be released under the new ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas were set free. As RedState reported, jeering crowds of deranged Palestinians surrounded them, many cosplaying as soldiers in camouflage and terrorist headbands. Notably, they only seem to find their “uniforms” when the fighting stops. Funny how that works. 


SEE: First Video of Released Hamas Hostages Released

Naturally, the Red Cross, which couldn’t be bothered to do anything for the hostages throughout their captivity, tried to take center stage by being the go-between. In one last bit of propaganda, Hamas made sure the trucks were surrounded and that the hostages had to walk through a conglomerate of militants who were touching and harassing them. The Red Cross was fine with that, once again showing why no one should ever give a dime to that dumpster of an NGO. 

The abuse didn’t stop there, though. Hamas also gave the hostages “gift bags” and forced them to take smiling photographs. What was in the bags? According to reports, the terrorists put pictures of the hostages while they were in captivity along with a map of Gaza and a “certificate.”


Palestinians are the most depraved people on earth, and I don’t say that lightly. They started a war by invading Israeli civilian areas and slaughtering over a thousand innocent people. They then took hundreds of hostages, including young babies. Refusing to hand them over, they saw Gaza essentially leveled and tens of thousands of their fighters killed by the IDF. And then when a ceasefire is finally reached, they cheer on Hamas and laugh about giving the hostages “gift bags.”

There is no peace to be had with these people. That’s not what the smart set wants to hear, but I’ve got decades of evidence to support that assertion. No amount of aid or concessions will ever be enough. Genocidal jihadi culture is all they know, and the average IQ among Palestinians is below 70, likely due to generations of inbreeding. Reasoning with a population like that is simply impossible. 

I get that American politicians on both sides wanted a ceasefire deal so they could wash their hands of the issue, but this isn’t going to end here. It is just a matter of time before Hamas breaks the terms and the fighting starts again. These terrorists aren’t going to stop because their goal isn’t a “Palestinian state.” It’s the complete destruction of Israel leading to a global intifada. In the meantime, not a single American tax dollar should go to rebuilding Gaza.




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