
War Room Co-Host Natalie Winters Calls Merrick Garland One of the Worst Attorneys General (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by David Greyson

War Room Co-Host Natalie Winters. 1/17/25

War Room co-host Natalie Winters called Merrick Garland one of the worst Attorneys General on Friday.

The video clip started with footage at the DOJ of AG Garland leaving the Justice Department building. He received applause from numerous employees standing around him to see him off for his last day.

“Scum of the Earth, traitor and actual domestic extremist and lawfare extraordinaire leaving the DOJ for the last time ever. A building he never ever should have stepped foot in,” Winters said.

“I hope that that video, that round of applause for someone who has inflicted so much pain and tragedy and loss on the American people, on his very own fellow citizens to make you so mad. I know it makes me mad. That’s the man who put Stephen K. Bannon in prison for four months, Peter Navarro in prison for four months. Did nothing to get to the bottom of someone who tried to put Donald J. Trump 7 feet underground,” Winters said.

“It’s the staff who applauded for him. Cause that my friends, that, yes I’m gonna say it MSNBC, that is the enemy within. Anyone who would applaud for that disgraced and sham and shame of a man of an Attorney General of a political appointee for what he did to this country and lied about it to the American people,” Winters continued.

Winters warned that the civil servants within the DOJ and Federal Government is the enemy within that is the real threat to freedom in our country.

“That is a wonderful stock and frame of the enemy that we have ahead of us for the next four years. That is the civil servant class that for some reason thinks that they’re better than you,” Winters said.

Winters also acknowledged that President Trump’s 2024 election victory is one of the main reasons that War Room and similar shows will still be able to continue pursuing truth.

“The only reason that I’m still probably able to sit here broadcasting the show is because President Donald J. Trump was brave enough to run again and win,” Winters continued.

Winters also credited Stephen Bannon with keeping AG Garland off the Supreme Court when he was being considered previous to his DOJ service.

“That has to be the most maddening and enraging two minute and whatever second video that I’ve ever seen. But I guess just remember this Merrick Garland, you will never ever be a Supreme Court Justice because of Stephen K. Bannon,” Winters said.

“You’ll go down in history as probably one of the worst AGs in this country’s entire history,” Winters said.




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