
‘Accountability Is Coming’: Stephen Miller Promises Trump Admin Will Target Rogue Bureaucracy

Incoming Deputy Chief of Staff Stephen Miller said on Sunday that the Trump administration will remind bureaucrats that they work for the American people.

Miller spoke at Trump’s Victory Rally in Washington, D.C., Sunday evening to a crowd of ecstatic Trump supporters who traveled to the nation’s capital to celebrate the inauguration. To begin his speech, Miller looked ahead to the inauguration of Trump on Monday, saying, “In just one more day, it is goodbye Joe Biden, goodbye Kamala Harris, goodbye Democrats, and hello to the golden age of America, and welcome back Donald J. Trump.”

“It’s been four long years. It felt like 400 years,” he remarked. “Four years of weakness, four years of humiliation and embarrassment, four years of persecution, four years of inflation, poverty, incompetence, four years of betrayal, four years of wide open, undefended, unprotected open borders.”

Miller later added, “Accountability is coming. The whole federal bureaucracy is about to learn that they don’t work for themselves; they work for you, they work for President Trump, and they work for the American people. We are about to get our country back and our democracy back.”

Miller, who worked under Trump during his first term as a senior adviser for policy and White House director of speechwriting, will soon head back to the White House as deputy chief of staff and to advise Trump on Homeland Security issues. The longtime Trump loyalist has focused on cracking down on illegal immigration and spoke repeatedly on Sunday about Trump’s goal to secure the southern border after record border crossings reported under the Biden administration.


The incoming deputy chief of staff also rehashed the Left’s attempts to derail Trump’s 2024 campaign, along with the numerous court battles the president-elect faced and the attempts on his life.

“The Democrat Party and the radical Left did everything in their power to try and put President Trump in jail. They lied about him, they framed him, they smeared him, they defamed him,” Miller said. “They indicted him, they tried to imprison him and to take away his freedom, to take away his family, to take away his business, to take away your voice, your future, to take away your hopes, your dreams, your government, your country. And Donald Trump nearly lost his life on a stage in Butler, Pennsylvania, and then again a few weeks later.”

“No matter what they threw at him, no matter the danger, no matter the horrors, no matter the abuse, no matter the corruption, no matter the persecution, no matter how much the broken children tried to stop that man, he would not be stopped because he has always been fighting for you.”



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