
WATCH: Biden Goes on Insane Screaming Rant About the ERA at Event

Earlier, we reported on an incredible post from Joe Biden claiming that he’s somehow declaring the Equal Rights Amendment law, on the basis seemingly of his own “feels” and his opinion/incoherence. 


Of course, there’s a small problem with that, since that isn’t the way anything works, as my colleague Ward Clark explained. And Biden or the intern behind the account got smacked with a big Community Note noting that the National Archivist who is responsible for archiving new amendments declared a month ago that it could not be certified due to established law and procedure. Biden’s own DOJ Office of Legal Counsel confirmed you can’t skate around the deadline for ratification that was missed. 

READ MORE: Delusional Joe Biden Declares Equal Rights Amendment Ratified. Catch: He Can’t Do That.

That post by Biden got ratioed into the Sun, with over four million views. But even with that, in “Biden on his way out the door land,” reality seems to be an ever-elusive concept. Biden just refuses delivery — he kept going. 


On Friday, during one of his final events at the U.S Conference of Mayors, Biden continued on the issue. He ranted and screamed that the ERA was the law of the land NOW, no matter what the law or anyone said. That it was the 28th Amendment Because he says so. NOW! This is insane. 

The deadline passed for ratification decades ago. It’s just a little bit late. You can’t change the law because you want to. He has no understanding of the Constitution or upholding his oath. 

What’s maybe as delusional is people cheering just because they like what he has to say, regardless of the lack of reality. 

But that’s how we’ve gotten to this place of having a man in cognitive decline in office and things seemingly being run by unelected bureaucrats behind the scenes — another thing that’s not supposed to be how anything works. Sycophantic Democrats, desperate to hold onto power, being cult-like and agreeing to insane/wrong things. 


It’s also pretty stunning and contradictory because of how Democrats have run over the rights of women when it comes to such things as girls’ sports. 

Biden’s slurring was also so bad that he was barely coherent, butchering and not completing and speeding through words like he was in hyper-drive. He had trouble just saying “Ozempic” and couldn’t get it right. 

A few more days to make it through until we are finally free of this craziness, and we can breathe a sigh of relief. And the anti-Trump pardons are probably coming over this weekend.

Editor’s Note: This article was updated post-publication for clarity.  



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