
The Left Is Losing Ground Globally – Here’s Why

Are we seeing the end of global leftism?

Probably not. For one thing, politics is sort of a fuzzy spectrum; there will always be a left and a right, although things are a little more complicated than that. But there is a reason the Overton Window is a thing, and it can’t go all the way to one side or another, and there will always be people and systems to the left and to the right of that window. 


But modern leftist politics, defined by socialism and its fuzzy-headed cousin “progressivism” (which may be taken to mean “progress on the road to socialism”), seem to be losing ground. The recent reelection of America’s President Donald Trump is one sign of this — but only one sign.

Lefty political parties across the world are now more unpopular than any time since the Cold War, a staggering analysis of recent elections shows.

The Left suffered a record-low average of just 45% of votes in dozens of ballots held globally last year, according to the analysis of 73 democratic elections, conducted by the Telegraph.

In the United States and Western Europe, progressives were even more unpopular — with the left-leaning parties securing only 42% of their respective votes.

The Right, meanwhile, won 57% of the average votes — representing the widest gap since 1990, the analysis found.

The global demise of the political left comes off the back of President-elect Donald Trump’s landslide election win.

The nail in the coffin of leftist politics in the United States, at least outside of a few of our more deluded major cities (I’m looking at you, San Francisco), seems to have been the inept, incompetent, and corrupt Biden/Harris administration. The determination of this administration to shamble to the finish spewing stupidity with every step has only strengthened the incoming Trump administration; Trump II, “This Time It’s Personal” is enjoying great reviews from the voting public, with a majority approving of the Trump team’s transition and historic approval ratings for Donald Trump himself.


And it’s not just American politics that are on the move.

In the wake of Harris’ defeat, leftist parties in Canada, Australia, and Germany are already predicted to suffer similar losses in upcoming ballots.

“The trend is up. There is no real reason to expect that it will stop anytime soon,” Prof. Matthijs Rooduijn, a political scientist from the University of Amsterdam, told the outlet.

In Canada, polls are already showing that its firebrand Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre is the favorite to replace Prime Minister Justin Trudeau after the lefty leader’s abrupt resignation earlier this month.

Meanwhile, Australia’s conservative party has also inched ahead of its ruling progressive government prior to a planned election later this year, polls show.

It’s not just in the English-speaking world, then. The rise of figures like Argentina’s Javier Milei, Italy’s Giorgia Meloni, and the German Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany) speak eloquently to the intent of voters in South America and Europe. Things are moving to the right, and while everything in politics is temporary, we may be able to look forward to a generation of this rightward shift.

See Related: Barack Obama Weighs in on Biden’s Delusional Farewell Speech – and It’s Just As Delusional


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Why is this happening? Because globally, as well as in the United States, the left has, in recent years, engaged in some historic overstepping. They advocate for:

  • Unlimited illegal immigration and open borders.
  • Support for Islamic radicals and condemnation of Israel, the only democratic country in the Middle East.
  • Boys and men on girls and women’s sports teams – and in their showers and locker rooms.
  • DEI hiring and promotion practices in law enforcement, education, and even the military.

We could go on, but you get the idea.

The really fun part is that people whose politics lean right sure seem to be happier and more upbeat than those on the left. The left is not just unhappy – they are angry.  Witness the 2020 destruction of billions of dollars of private property in street riots largely ignored or even tacitly supported by leftists in all levels of government. And very few on the left would dare to propose what seems obvious to those of us on the right – that maybe, just maybe, if these people had ever achieved anything in life, they wouldn’t be so angry.

Right now, the pendulum is swinging to the right. And there’s this: The oversteps mentioned above would have been unthinkable to even the most leftist politicians only a generation ago. These oversteps, these idiotic policy proposals, may have doomed the political left to a prolonged time in the political wilderness.


We can hope. There are still nations, powerful ones, that are bastions of the left: China, to name only one.

This seems appropriate.



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