
Senator Blumenthal to Kristi Noem: Ignore the 300,000 Missing Children…

Yikes. Senator Richard Blumenthal thought he had a gotch for Kristi Noem, but wound up revealing what an…unsavory…man he is and how disgusting the Democratic Party’s position is on illegal immigration. 



“Let’s put aside…” I mean, really? Forget about those missing children who are being used in slave labor, victims of human trafficking, and some of whom are being sexually trafficked. That happened under Biden, so it’s fine and dandy. 

Instead, let’s focus on something that happened under Trump and about which the Biden administration did nothing for four years. 

This is exactly how progressives think, and they don’t appear to realize that it is demonic. Or, maybe they do and just don’t care. 


For years, the Democrats have moved heaven and earth to enable the world’s biggest human trafficking operation and have been shipping at taxpayer expense unaccompanied minors to fake “relatives” who spirit them away to God knows where. They haven’t just let it happen; they have been subsidizing and encouraging it, along with the importation of fentanyl. Their policies have enriched the drug cartels to the tune of billions of dollars, and they are proud of it. 

But now that Trump is coming back to office, they want to “put aside” that sorry history and start screaming about “kids in cages” again, and will probably resurrect Obama-era photographs to prove how cruel Republicans are. 

Barf. Will we see more photos of AOC with crocodile tears staring at a parking lot?


At times it seems as if the Democratic Party is a criminal enterprise. That’s not to say that all Democrats are criminals or recognize the evil their party does. They somehow believe the rhetoric barfed out by the propagandists. For God’s sake, most believe Adam Schiff despite the fact that he is the most obvious liar in the world. 

At some level the ignorance is either intentional, or these people have become zombified by propaganda. 

But the people at the top, like Blumenthal? He says with a straight face that 300,000 or more missing children is no problem at all. 

Set aside the biggest human trafficking operation in the world. I wonder how much of the money made off this gross business winds up in the campaign coffers of such people. 



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