
Deep Question of the Week: Will Trump Execute Generals, Assassinate Media Figures?

I was promised that Donald Trump would jail and kill media figures, execute generals, and build re-education camps for liberals. 

It is why I voted for him. 


Sure, Donald Trump never said or even intimated that he would do anything like this, but plenty of Pravda Media figures assured me that this would be so. Donald Trump Jr. would become the next in line to become President-for-life, and Barron would be waiting in the wings should something happen to his brother. 

Now, I am afraid that none of that will happen. None of these media figures has gone into hiding in some attack somewhere as far as I know, nor have they fled to non-extradition countries. They seem unconcerned about death camps and continue their nonstop attacks on the president-elect as if media free speech and protections still exist. 


I’m not so hot on interracial marriages being broken up. My own marriage is a bit racially ambiguous, with a wife named Martín, and I doubt J.D. Vance wants to dump Usha, but perhaps they are on the chopping block, too, for all I know. 

Or not.

We at least need a few of the executions we were told were going to happen. I kept hearing about how they would happen–assured by all the best people that they would–and the American people DID vote for Trump. That means that the executions have a mandate, right?

Adam Schiff doesn’t appear to be quaking in his boots about his fate under Trump, although maybe he is packing an AR-15 to shoot it out with Trump’s Praetorian Guard once they come for him. Liz Cheney remains in the country, but perhaps she will hole up in a Wyoming militia camp along with her dad to go out guns blazing. 


It could be a “remember the Alamo” moment. 

If I sound a bit snarky, it’s because I am so damned tired of these liars, knaves, and traitors to the American Spirit. They are among the lowest of the low, doing everything they can to sound the alarm about a non-problem. They are political opportunists who will do anything, say anything, and, in the case of their jihad against Trump, commit actual crimes to retain their power and prestige. 

If any of them committed actual crimes, off to jail with them. But if they haven’t, each and every one of them should lose security clearances, be blackballed from dealing with the federal government, be shunned by all Republicans and people who remain decent of any party, and most of all be ridiculed. 

We should create a clock: Day 365 of Liz Cheney not going before a firing squad… Day 366…Day 367. 



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