
Trump Names Three Movie Stars As Special Envoys to Tinseltown—Predicts the ‘Golden Age of Hollywood!’

Donald Trump has named over 1,000 people to serve in his upcoming administration, including his Cabinet picks who are facing grilling from unhinged Democrats this week during their confirmation hearings in the Senate.


One thing you might not have expected, though, is that the president-elect would name special envoys to Hollywood—a town where he is usually treated by the head honchos and the glitteratti like shower mold—but that’s exactly what he did Thursday, appointing Sylvester Stallone, Mel Gibson and Jon Voight to the posts. As one of my colleagues said, “Well…this is different.”

Different is what we like about Donald Trump. He posted the announcement to social media:

If you‘re unable to read the post, here’s what it says:

It is my honor to announce Jon Voight, Mel Gibson, and Sylvester Stallone, to be Special Ambassadors to a great but very troubled place, Hollywood, California. They will serve as Special Envoys to me for the purpose of bringing Hollywood, which has lost much business over the last four years to Foreign Countries, BACK—BIGGER, BETTER, AND STRONGER THAN EVER BEFORE! These three very talented people will be my eyes and ears, and I will get done what they suggest. It will again be, like The United States of America itself, The Golden Age of Hollywood!

Related: Actor Jon Voight Talks to RedState About ‘Reagan’ Movie and Issues a Dire Warning


Sylvester Stallone Introduces a Triumphant Trump at America First Policy Institute Gala

This is a cool move by the president-elect. Much if not most of Hollywood has grown completely out of touch with the American people and would rather send woke messages than deliver compelling stories. Our Brandon Morse has extensively chronicled the decline of Disney’s creative output, much of which is unwatchable in recent years. Watching the late-night talk shows—Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert and their ilk—feels like getting a root canal. They’ve become cheerleaders for wokeness and the Democrats, and they are rarely funny, which is ostensibly their raison d’etre (reason to exist).

Recent films have proven that it doesn’t have to be that way—there is room for conservative fare, and “REAGAN,” Matt Walsh’s  “Am I Racist?” and James O’Keefe’s border epic “Line in the Sand” show there’s an audience for movies that don’t screech progressivism at you. 

There’s Hope for Hollywood: Could These Three Powerful Conservative Movies Make the Difference in the Presidential Election?

“Rocky” heaped praise on the former and future president last year:


Stallone, 78, called Trump the “second George Washington” while introducing the 47th president at the America First Policy Institute Gala in November.

“We are in the presence of a really mythical character. Nobody in the world could have pulled off what he pulled off, so I’m in awe,” Stallone said.

RedState’s Jennifer Oliver O’Connell wrote about his remarks at the America First Policy Institute Gala.

Conservatives can’t give up on Hollywood—it’s too important of a cultural force. Trump is also right that we need to negate the influence of China. How these envoys will work in practice remains to be seen, but Trump is smart to engage. Just as he leveraged hip podcasts and social media during the election, maybe he can make some inroads into the notoriously left-wing community.

Now, if he would only add James Woods to the list of envoys…

[Editor’s Note: This article was edited for clarity after publication.]



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