
‘I Miss Him Already’: Joy Gives Ode To Biden, Blames Musk For World Hunger

The View’s Joy Behar gave an ode to President Joe Biden on ABC’s Thursday program after his farewell address to the nation on Wednesday night by claiming that “I miss him already.” She also echoed his “oligarchs” talking point by going full socialist crank by blaming Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos for world hunger.

Behar began her tribute to Biden, “I miss him already. I miss him. He’s a good person. You know, he spent the last 50 years caring about the country. This other one spent 50 years scamming everybody, you know, and trying to stay out of jail. You know who I’m talking about. You know, I really miss Biden. I feel like we were safe, like I didn’t have to worry everything was going to blow up—I could live my life while he was there.”

While Behar may not have had to worry about anything, those who are not as fortunate to have the salary of an ABC daytime talk show host would beg to differ after years of inflation.

Ironically, Behar then turned her ire to rich, but only those close to Trump, “Now, every day I wake up and worry what is this guy going to do next and these oligarchs… They need to start showing their moneys out, these guys, Bezos and what’s his name—”

After fellow host Sara Haines chimed in, “They do for Trump,” Behar rolled on, “Musk. They give it to Trump. Do they think that they’re going to live forever, these people. Everybody dies. I hate to break it to them, but you are not going to live forever. According to the World Food Program, we could end world hunger by 2030 with $40 billion. That’s all it will take, and he, Elon Musk, his network grew by $170 billion in the month after the election.”

Whoopi Goldberg agreed, “Which is really kind of sad. Somebody said to me yesterday, why do you think they haven’t given anything to California? I mean, there are all—people are, you know, going out of their way to do stuff and I was looking to see if—and I didn’t see anything. Maybe I’m wrong.”

Behar was honest enough to concede that was incorrect but still sought to downplay the “oligarchs” contributions, “[Mark] Zuckerberg gave 2 million to wildfires. He’s worth 200 billion. He gave 2 million. That’s like $5 to me.”

Alyssa Farah Griffin also made sure to add, “Elon Musk did donate Starlink, so people who are left offline were able to access internet and get communications and Jeff Bezos, I will argue for his flaws is incredibly charitable. He and his wife have a ton of foundations that deal with hunger and those things.”

It should be noted the WFP says $40 billion is needed per year, but Behar made it seem like all that is needed was a one-time donation from Bezos or Musk. There is also the basic idea that Bezos’s or Musk’s net worth is not the same thing as the amount of money in their bank accounts.

Here is a transcript for the January 16 show:

ABC The View

11:16 AM ET


JOY BEHAR: I miss him already. I miss him. He’s a good person. You know, he spent the last 50 years caring about the country. This other one spent 50 years scamming everybody, you know, and trying to stay out of jail. You know who I’m talking about. You know, I really miss Biden. I feel like we were safe, like I didn’t have to worry everything was going to blow up — I could live my life while he was there. Now, every day I wake up and worry what is this guy going to do next and these oligarchs. Can I say one more thing and I’ll shut up.

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: You don’t have to shut up.

BEHAR: They need to start showing their moneys out, these guys, Bezos and what’s his name—

SARA HAINES: They do for Trump.

BEHAR: Musk. They give it to Trump. Do they think that they’re going to live forever, these people. Everybody dies. I hate to break it to them, but you are not going to live forever. According to the World Food Program, we could end world hunger by 2030 with $40 billion. That’s all it will take, and he, Elon Musk, his network grew by $170 billion in the month after the election.

GOLDBERG: Oh, just wait. Just wait. Just wait.

BEHAR: And just keeps making more and more money and nothing is done with that money to help people. It’s just to increase their power.

GOLDBERG: Which is really kind of sad. Somebody said to me yesterday, why do you think they haven’t given anything to California? I mean, there are all — people are, you know, going out of their way to do stuff and I was looking to see if — and I didn’t see anything. Maybe I’m wrong.

BEHAR: Zuckerberg gave 2 million to wildfires. He’s worth 200 billion. He gave 2 million. That’s like $5 to me.

ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: And Elon Musk did donate Starlink, so people who are left offline were able to access internet and get communications and Jeff Bezos, I will argue for his flaws is incredibly charitable. He and his wife have a ton of foundations that deal with hunger and those things. 



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