
Former WaPo Anti-Trump Cartoonist Exposed As P@do; UPDATED

In another shocking development that absolutely nobody could have predicted, Washington Post Pulitzer-Prize Winning cartoonist and radical lefty activist who defends alphabet ideology has been arrested as a pedophile who collected child abuse pornography. 


Who could have guessed that a radical lefty would be revealed to be a pedophilic pervert?

Bell has been widely celebrated in the Pravda Media and among the cultural elite for being a brave truth-teller about race, with two comic strips distributed through the Washington Post Writers Group. He has been a BLM activist, and produced a celebrated graphic novel about “The Talk,” highlighting how African Americans are violently oppressed in America. 

He has won multiple awards for his brave truth-telling about the evils of America and particularly Donald Trump, and has accused Republicans of…get this…child grooming. 

No doubt everyone with the “right” opinions will be shocked to discover that one of their own, who has been so critical of the Right’s repression of child sexuality, has turned out to be sexualizing children himself. 


We all know that it is merely coincidental that alphabet activists seem to get caught using children for sexual gratification. It must be because Republicans are making up the connection and falsely prosecuting them for sexually abusing children. 

Or, perhaps the alphabet activists are all about love, and children need love, too. 

Bell is all about dignity, and anybody who is opposed to dignity is a monster, just like Donald Trump. 

To be fair, not every lefty activist is into child sexual abuse material. Some just like being around those who are, and who can blame them? After all, the alphabet activists hate Trump and MAGA, so they can’t be all bad, right?


No doubt–and I mean this seriously–The Washington Post didn’t know that Bell was a pedophile. But what they did know and have known for the decades that they have distributed his work, is that he is unhinged in other ways. They needed a black activist cartoonist to fill out their stable and were happy to get that Pulitzer Prize. And as for Pulitzer itself–nice to see who you admire so much. 

The raw, dripping hatred and perversion spewed by Bell and so many other lefty “creatives” is the norm, not the exception. The media celebrate a Hollywood culture rife with child sexual abuse. They revel in encouraging children to become drag queens themselves or sit on the lap of men whose whole shtick is sexual mockery. And then call those of us fighting this sick fetishism as perverse. 

Normally, I would object to smearing a whole group for the actions of one person because it is unfair to do so, I don’t see Bell as a one-off. He isn’t. Schools are filled with alphabet propaganda, adoption agencies are practically throwing children to sexually deranged people, and it’s hard to find a liberal who doesn’t celebrate the “love is love” mantra while hysterically defending adults grooming children. 


All but two Democrats voted against protecting girls’ locker rooms by excluding boys, calling Republicans “child predators.” 

To which I say to my Democratic Party friends: look around the room when you have a meeting. They are in YOUR midst, not ours. 

UPDATE: Bell left the WaPo about a year ago and now works (worked?) for King Syndicates, which distributes his work. I got an email with this information and am passing along the info. 



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