
Jack Gleason: A Serious Warning for January 6th and the Inauguration | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

Guest post by Jack Gleason published at

As the year comes to an end, it brings thoughts of what is to come in 2025.

We are at a crossroads for our nation and the rest of the world. Will we succumb to the dark powers trying to end freedom forever, or will the newly awakened “vocal majority” demand an end to the corruption that pervades every aspect of modern life? Will we force our squishy elected officials to do the right thing and support Trump and his team of patriots to make America great, healthy and safe?

In his “Threat Assessment November 6, 2024-January 20, 2025,” General Flynn warned “There is good reason to believe the Deep State has been involved in frustrating or overriding critical decisions made by American Presidents for at least three decades.  Nearly eight years ago, Senator Schumer warned, or threatened, incoming President Trump not to criticize the Intelligence Community because ‘they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.’  This threat has even greater relevance for his second term.”

Charles Wills agrees. “The shadow government did everything they could to sabotage the first Trump presidency, and they have been running Congress and the presidency since Biden and Harris assumed their roles as president and vice president. In addition to owning Congress and the puppets pretending to be president and vice president, the deep state (U.S. shadow government) owns the corporate media, all international corporations, the European Union, and the Canadian government.”

For the last six weeks, I’ve been sharing my puzzlement over the Drone Scare PSYOP. What is their goal?

The Deep State, Globalists and Chinese will stop at nothing. If intimidation, lawfare, and election rigging don’t work, they have a nasty habit of killing off anyone who opposes them, whether in Africa, Europe, South America, or even the United States.

They lied about COVID in order to push the vaccines, which have killed and maimed millions.

They lied about J6 to push through tainted election results to unseat President Trump. Thousands of average Americans have been put through Hell by a corrupt committee, and their bogus investigation is an example for anyone else who dares to speak up against them.

They’ve allowed hundreds of thousands to die from fentanyl and millions of illegal aliens, including perhaps five million military-aged men, to cross our border.

They’ve allowed the destruction of our inner cities and ignored the plight of thousands impacted by recent hurricanes, simply because they’re from conservative parts of the country.

They cheated the elections, particularly in California, to get the House to a razor-thin margin, there was more cheating in several Senate races, and the “conservative” Speaker is clearly working with the Left behind our backs, but they still would prefer that Trump not take office.

It’s clear there’s no limit on what they’ll do to remain in power.  

Donald J. Trump is standing in their way.  

I clearly remember the first time I took a commercial flight after the horrors of 9/11. Everything was different. People were quiet – and watchful. We remembered the twin towers, but most of all we thought of the heroes of Pennsylvania. Their example of heroism is why there have been very few successful hijackings in the United States since then.

Passengers now understand they’re not just flying on an airplane for business or pleasure, they’re inside a flying bomb that could do untellable damage if it was taken over by someone with evil intent.

I recall walking down the aisle to my seat and looking for those who would help me if anything went wrong. Our eyes would briefly meet and there was even a little “guy nod” of the head in recognition. “If something goes wrong on this flight, I’m with you. 9/11 is not going to happen again on this flight!”

Think of the “Insurrection” of January 6, 2021. It’s obvious that this was a long-planned operation to start a riot to bypass the required certification procedures for the bogus election counts. What would we do differently if we saw Ray Epps and knew he was a fake patriot and instigator? What if we saw agents in the crowd trying to stir up trouble and get people to rush the Capital?

Think of the horror of Butler, Pennsylvania. Patriots spotted the shooter hours before anything happened. The incompetence of the Secret Service – from their need to bring on untrained agents because of an unusual number of other events nearby, to their failure to set up overwatch and other basic security, to their keystone cops’ response to citizens’ repeated warnings – means this could only have been a planned assassination attempt. The shenanigans after the fact – the quickly cleaned up crime scene, the rapid cremation of the body, and the stonewalled and incomplete investigation, mean this was planned at the highest levels of the Deep State.

What if you’d known the security was inadequate and none would stop the shooter? Instead of shouting to the police, the Butler Miracle might have been you.

The next January 6th is upon us. What will we do differently?

We know Trump won the election despite massive cheating – again. But what about the cheating in the House and Senate elections? Will we just accept the results or will we demand an honest accounting? Will the people who called in fake bomb scares and spent weeks counting ballots without proper custody or supervision be taken to justice?

After Trump is declared the winner of the 2024 election, the next step is the Inauguration. This will be the Deep State’s last chance to stop him before he’s the President.

If I was Trump I’d cancel the whole thing and be sworn in under battlefield conditions and then spend the rest of the day in a bunker signing Executive Orders.

But Donald Trump is a man of the people. He knows it’s Patriots and reawakened Democrats and independents who elected them, and he will want to express his appreciation. He won’t show weakness in the face of bold Evil.

I’m sure his security will be top-rate. It’s still very likely that the Deep State will try something desperate anyway. They stand to lose everything they’ve managed to steal over the last 40-50 years.

Talk is cheap, action is priceless.

I am suggesting that we Patriots take the post-9/11 and post-Butler attitude if we go to Washington for the Inaugural. The event and the celebrations afterward will be exciting, but could also be dangerous for our country’s future.

It may not be as much fun, there may not be as much joy. This is a serious time in our country’s history and one or two Vigilant people could save everything.

As you head to an event, look for uniformed security officers. Ask them what you should do if you see something suspicious. Our enemies have a history of trying to blend bad actors into the crowd, but they are not perfect.

It’s hard to be joyful when you’re plotting something horrible. If you see someone who looks out of place, be friendly and pretend he’s another happy Trump supporter. You and a buddy can do the “Isn’t this great! and where are you from?” routine and see what happens.

If you’re staff working at the event as a technician or caterer, you may not even be a Trump fan, but you don’t want to be in the middle of violence. Be alert for fellow staff members who don’t fit in, or equipment that is unusual or in the wrong place. Make note of existing security personnel and report your concerns immediately.

Have a good time, enjoy the win, but keep your head on a swivel. Don’t be disappointed if you don’t get that handshake and photo with the new President. 

Jack Gleason is a conservative, common-sense, political writer. His email is [email protected] and his always-free Substack is 



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