
Scarborough Desperately Clings to Wisconsin to Downplay Trump Win

How pathetic was Joe Scarborough’s desperate attempt to downplay the scope of Trump’s victory? The best Scarborough could do was to repeatedly cite a state that Trump won! A state Trump flipped, after losing it in 2020!

On today’s Morning Joe, Scarborough repeatedly relied on the results in Wisconsin to make his flimsy case. Scarborough harped on Trump winning Wisconsin by “less than 1%” [the margin was 0.9%.] Scarborough conveniently ignored that Trump had lost the state by 0.7% in 2020, thus improving by 1.6%. 

Scarborough tried to bolster his case by twice mentioning that on the same day Trump carried Wisconsin, voters there also re-elected “a lesbian Democratic senator.” (Tammy Baldwin won by 0.8 percent over a first-time candidate.)

Discussing national trends, Scarborough mockingly referred to Trump’s “1% landslide.” 

But Scarborough again ignored the bigger picture. As the New York Times reported, in the November election, “all 50 states had shifted right.” And on a more granular level, “More than 89 percent of counties in the United States shifted in favor” of Trump, who “improved on his 2020 margin in 2,793 counties. His margin decreased in only 319 counties.” This happened despite all kinds of MSNBC-boosted lawfare against Trump.

So keep whistling past the graveyard, Joe. You know what they say about people who ignore history.

Here’s the transcript.

Morning Joe
6:07 am ET

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Right now, they’re in this bubble. They won. And so all these Republicans are running around acting like they had a mandate. They won by one percentage point. They won Wisconsin by less than one percentage point. 

Let me just say, and I was talking about this on the show yesterday. Everybody needs to take a deep breath. Everybody needs to take a deep breath. Because people are going, oh, this is the age of Elon. Oh, this is the age of the bro culture. Oh, America has darted so for right. 

Let’s take Wisconsin, the bellwether states of bellwether states. Kamala Harris lost by less than one percentage point because of the bro culture, right? Wrong. They elected a lesbian woman as senator on this same day. 

The same thing with Michigan. Oh, the bro culture. No, they elected a woman senator the same day that Kamala Harris lost by one and a half points. A woman who was running the shortest presidential campaign in American history, right? 

So, all I’m saying is here we are, everybody’s over-reading this. Everybody’s saying, you know, it’s like, sackcloth and ashes for Democrats. Oh, we’ve got to change everything. Whoa, this was the greatest defeat in the history — No, no, there’s no sweeping change here as far as what the American people said. It’s like one percentage point. 

And come January 20th, you start looking at policies. If they try to dart too for one direction or the other, we’re going to see what happened in the first term. Democratic wins in ’17, ’18, ’19, and ’20. Everybody needs to be very careful not to overread the 1% landslide. 

. . . 

Well, Eddie, talk about the danger of Democrats overreacting to a 1% landslide. And again, I talk about Wisconsin. I just want to keep going back. Because everybody’s over-reading this as some radical swing to the far right. Where in Wisconsin, Kamala Harris lost by less than one percentage point, and the Wisconsin voters re-elected a lesbian Democratic senator. 



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