
Candace Owens Interviews Whistleblower on USS Liberty Incident in 1967 | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Drabik

Candace Owens is sure to fan the flames of discord with her foe Ben Shapiro and others after her latest long-form interview. In her latest episode, Owens interviews Phil Tourney, a survivor of the U.S.S. Liberty.

The U.S.S. Liberty was a US Naval intelligence warship patrolling the Mediterranean Sea during the 6-day war in 1967. The Liberty has been the subject of much controversy over the years. On June 8th, 1967, it was attacked by Israeli jets and torpedo boats, killing 34 in action and wounding 171 in action.

Tourney is one of many survivors who is blowing the whistle on the attack. The official party line is that the Israeli attack was a case of mistaken identity. Tourney, along with many other survivors maintain this was no mistake.

Tourney alleges this was a false flag attempt with collusion between the U.S. Government and the Israeli Government at the highest levels. His testimony to Candace Owens is compelling as he details the horrific events of the day, along with evidence of foreknowledge by key government insiders.

In early June of 1967 Israel was involved in armed conflict with coalition Arab countries, primarily Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. At the time Israel had expressed desire for the U.S. to enter into the conflict on their behalf. However, according to the New York Times, the United States had over 490,000 troops in Vietnam by 1967.

The government was committed to a war against the expansion of Communism in Asia, which was already losing popular support at home. The likelihood of garnering public support for involvement in another war halfway across the world was slim.

With Israel being attacked on all sides it is understandable they would seek support from their main ally. However, the result without major U.S. involvement was Israel not only beat back the enemy, they acquired control of the Sinai peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights.

One of the key pieces of evidence Tourney calls into question is the Israeli reconnaissance flights monitoring the ship throughout that day. Tourney cites evidence also presented in a report by his organization, The Liberty Veteran’s Association. The group filed a fully sourced War Crimes report to the Department of Defense, “…in accordance with the DoD Law of War Program.” The report describes no fewer than 8 flights orbiting the ship throughout the day. Read that report here.

Tourney’s testimony is consistent with the report in that he describes multiple reconnaissance flights by identified Israeli aircraft. The U.S.S. Liberty was a known signals intelligence vessel in the area approximately 12 miles off the coast of the Sinai peninsula at the time. It had a handful of NSA civilians on board as well as Marine linguists.

Tourney describes an eerie sense amongst the crew when being told they were headed toward a war zone. He explains that many ships were seen moving in the opposite direction away from danger as the Liberty seemed to be the only ship heading toward danger.

The description of the attack by Tourney reads of a calculated assault to incapacitate and destroy. Tourney describes an aerial assault by Israeli attack planes. For approximately 25-30 minutes, missiles, gunfire, and napalm ravaged the ship. Sailors on deck were massacred.

Tourney details the precision that was apparent. Every 50 caliber machine gun was taken out, as were the signals antennas. The intent was to incapacitate their communications. Their fire hoses were shot at, eliminating their ability to manage damage control. The lifeboats were shot up, leaving only three. When they deployed wounded into these boats, they were shot at, with one of the Israeli torpedo boats taking one on board. Tourney believes this was an effort by the Israelis to secure a trophy of sorts.

Finally, Tourney explains the boat being hit by torpedoes, leaving a gaping hole in the starboard side of the ship. During the aerial assault, communications antennas were destroyed by heat-seeking missiles detecting the heat from the signals. Miraculously, a sailor took an antenna offline because it was not working but got it back up to signal for help.

Tourney’s most shocking claim is the direction of both Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and President Lyndon Johnson. Apparently, both had denied a fleet in the area the ability to support and defend the Liberty as it was being attacked. It was 17 hours before anyone showed up to assist the Liberty after the attack.

When assistance did arrive, surviving sailors were told to never speak of the event again. They were threatened with ultimate reprisal from the U.S. government. After 57 years of analysis and direct experience of living through the attack, Tourney believes, “They wanted this at the bottom so they could blame it on the Arabs and bring us into World War III.”

Tourney and his fellow survivors have been met with accusations of anti-semitism and spreading conspiracy theories. Tourney himself directly challenged Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk to a debate regarding the subject during the interview with Owens. In the X post below, Kirk reprimands a questioner who mentions the attack.

There are many possibilities of how this event manifested. We can only know the truth if the government declassifies the information needed to discern that truth. One can only imagine the implications of public knowledge that a main U.S. ally intentionally attacked a naval ship with the assistance of the U.S. government at the highest levels. That truth may be too hot to handle. For now, it’s only speculation.

See the full interview here.

Here is he USS Liberty Incident Brief.



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