
NewsBusters Podcast: We’ll Use Pete Hegseth’s Mom to Wreck His Career

Would you like to imagine The New York Times publishing an email your mother sent you telling you you’re a terrible spouse? That’s what happened to Pete Hegseth, and his mother Penelope. They will use notes that were supposed to be private for their own political gain. 

“I have no respect for any man that belittles, lies, cheats, sleeps around and uses women for his own power and ego,” she wrote to her son in 2018 during his second divorce. Then she said she apologized two hours later, but that doesn’t stop the lefties. She called the Times “despicable.”

She said she felt threatened by the language of the Times, even if this is sort of their modus operandi. They say, “this is what we’re going to publish, so what are you going to say about it?” It can feel like a threat, that we’re publishing this personal email in an attempt to derail your son’s career. Of course that feels threatening to her.

Most Americans would look at this occasion and say at the very least that the media can be very rude when it has a political agenda it wants to win. Their objective is to crumble as many Trump nominations as they can. Even after confirmation, they’ll seek to ruin Cabinet members. That hasn’t happened under Biden.

We know this would never happen the other way. If Bill Clinton’s mother ever told him he was a deplorable cheater, do we think the Times would rush to print that? No. This is the newspaper that ran an op-ed by that alleged saint Anita Hill defending Bill Clinton against Paula Jones (and by extension the unlucky intern Monica Lewinsky) in 1998. Situational ethics are their only ethics. They have no standards without double standards.

There’s nothing wrong with the media vetting Cabinet nominees. But they didn’t seriously vet Biden’s nominees, and they go for the throat of people Trump nominates, especially if they worked for that evil network Fox News. Once again, the lefties are finding nasty anonymous sources inside Fox. We need some tattletales inside CNN. You know where we can be found! 

Enjoy the podcast below, or wherever you listen to podcasts. 



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