
The Left Is Hallucinating

Racism, sexism, and homophobia running rampant in the United States is the only explanation for Donald Trump’s victory. 

What else could it possibly be? After all, the economy was booming, peace reigns in the world, working-class people love the transnational elite, and Joe Biden’s approval ratings were astronomically high. 


And, of course, Harris ran a nearly flawless campaign. I mean, how could it possibly have been better?

That, at least, is the view from the left. They are hallucinating a reality that does not exist in modern America. It’s all about “Whiteness,” you see. Trump supporters were willing to sacrifice their safety and prosperity to prop up White Supremacy. 

As with all Marxists and Marxist adjacent thinkers, false consciousness on the part of the proletariat (and women and minorities) is the only explanation for rejecting their prescriptions for society. If only these ignorant cretins understood that they need a Vanguard of the Proletariat to look out for their real interests they would have flocked to the Democrats. 



Well, the left is going to show them! FAFO, idiots! You won’t have Dick Nixon…I mean, leftist Democrats to kick around anymore! Donald Trump is getting ready to enslave the dark-skinned, impregnate women, send Hispanics to concentration camps, and send Seal Team Six after Joe Scarborough. 

The Elie Mystals, Jonathan Capeharts, and their ilk are above the kind of hatred for their fellow men that dominates the Right. The problem is that America is filled with KKKers. 


The truth is simpler: Americans are tired of the vile leftists who look down their noses at the rest of us, who want to run our lives, set us against each other, and who believe that the proper way to deal with their fellow citizens is to constantly gaslight us. We are too stupid to run our own lives, so the only way to save “democracy” is to crush it. 

The left doesn’t see America as it is or Americans as worthy of respect. It is they who are driven by hate; it is they who engage in constant disinformation, and they who are determined to shut up anybody who disagrees with them. 

They live in a mirror universe in which men are women, women are oppressed, conservatives are Nazis, and Davos is the capital of the world. 

Will the psychosis break anytime soon? I doubt it. As painful as the election loss was, the left still owns most of the levers of power. You will see a second #resistance emerge; the NeverTrumpers will continue to imagine horrors, and the media will continue to promulgate hoaxes. 


Will sanity return to the Democrats? It’s hard to say. With America being a two-party system, they will inevitably return to power once the Republicans stumble, but it’s unclear whether the Democrats will reject their left-wing or not. It could be that Republicans rolling back the worst excesses of the left will, ironically, give them breathing room by looking less dangerous. 

Or, we can hope, Republicans can elect J.D. Vance or Ron DeSantis in 2028, forcing Democrats to retool as they did in 1992. 

In either case, the coming civil war in the Democratic Party will be fun to watch. 



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