
The Astronaut Wears Prada

  • October 18, 2024

There is an America that works and an America that is obsessed with appearances.  No place is the contrast more clear than comparing SpaceX and NASA.  As Elon Musk launches and lands rockets, designs and launches the biggest rocket in the world and then literally catches it as it falls to the ground, NASA gets […]


Science™ Update: ‘Tis the Season to Never Mention Seasons Again

  • October 18, 2024

I’m not sure if it’s the nearness of Election Day sparking a renewed sense of resistance to the deluge of hysterical, pretentious, silly, but authoritarian-minded Science™ we’ve all been subjected to over the past few years.  Advertisement But I am itchin’ to be done with them all. The plagues of squawking, bellyaching nannies from The […]


When Big Tech Needs Power, They Turn to Nuclear and Not ‘Renewables’

  • October 18, 2024

The transnational elite keeps trying to force proles to use unreliable wind and solar power.  But as their own power needs escalate, the “net zero” Big Tech companies that brag about their use of renewable power are turning to reliable nuclear power to ensure their data centers stay up.  Advertisement Data centers draw an enormous […]


Desperation in PA: Senate Dem Bets On Trump

  • October 18, 2024

Just how much joy do Democrats have in Pennsylvania? One can measure it with “Bliss,” the new campaign ad that dropped this morning by incumbent Senate Democrat Bob Casey Jr.  Advertisement Casey wants a fourth term in a state his father ran for two terms as governor — as a more conservative, pro-life Democrat. Casey […]