
Javier Milei Denounces Globalism and Defends Freedom in His First UN Speech | Gateway Hispanic |

For the first time as president, Javier Milei delivered a speech at the United Nations, where he firmly positioned Argentina against globalist impositions, emphasizing a sovereign stance, particularly in defense of freedom against totalitarianism.

He distanced himself from what he calls «the caste» and condemned politicians who prioritize their own interests over the well-being of the people.

Here are some of his standout quotes:


1. «I am not a politician; I am a libertarian liberal economist who never had the ambition to enter politics.»
2. «This is my first speech at the United Nations General Assembly, and I want to warn the nations of the dangers if this organization fails to fulfill its original mission.»
3. «Trade guarantees peace, freedom guarantees trade, and equality before the law guarantees freedom.»
4. «The United Nations model, once successful, has been replaced by a supranational government of international bureaucrats.»
5. «The 2030 Agenda, despite its well-intentioned goals, is nothing more than a socialist supranational government program.»
6. «Global lockdowns in 2020 should be considered a crime against humanity.»
7. «In this very house that claims to defend human rights, they have allowed bloody dictatorships like Cuba and Venezuela into the Human Rights Council.»

He concluded by stating that Argentina will no longer maintain its historical neutrality and will take the lead in defending freedom. His speech received a standing ovation.

You can watch his full address here:



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