
Pelosi: Dems Want Illegal Aliens To Be Citizens, Eligible For Taxpayer Loans For Homes

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) advocated turning millions of illegal aliens into U.S. citizens this week and making them eligible for taxpayer-funded assistance for buying homes.

Pelosi made the remarks during a Friday interview on HBO’s “Real Time” with Bill Maher when asked about a highly controversial bill in California that would make illegal aliens eligible for $150,000 for purchasing homes — even as the state leads the country with the largest number of homeless U.S. citizens.

“What I would like to do is move them to documented,” she said. “One of the best things we can do for our economy is pass comprehensive immigration reform.”

Pelosi admitted that the issue of supporting immigration is no longer “bipartisan” ever since Democrats began to weaponize the issue and sought to import voters whom they believe will end up voting for them.

“But not free housing,” Maher responded.

“Well, that’s not free housing. It’s the American Dream being available to more people,” Pelosi claimed.

“California is always in the lead,” she claimed. “Maybe others will follow that lead, but that’s up to those states. But we are very blessed here with beautiful diversity.”

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Maher then pressed Pelosi to answer whether she would vote for the bill.

“Well, I’m not familiar with exactly what that is, but making the American dream of homeownership available to all people is something we have to do for people who are here now,” Pelosi claimed.

Maher then informed her that the bill was for the benefit of only illegal aliens.




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