
He’s Shot: Biden Says His Goal is to “Cut American Cancer Deaths in Half by 2020” – Then Starts Shouting Out of Nowhere (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

Joe Biden on Tuesday traveled to New Orleans to deliver remarks at a Cancer Moonshot event.

Biden announced $150 million in research grants at Tulane University in Louisiana on Tuesday.

“We’re moving quickly because we know that all families touched by cancer are in a race against time,” Biden said. “I’m a congenital optimist about what Americans can do. There’s so much that we’re doing. It matters”

“We’re mobilizing the whole country effort to cut American cancer deaths in half by 2020,” Biden said.

He’s completely shot.


Joe Biden quietly mumbled as he repeated the fake story about Xi Jinping and hanging out with him on the Tibetan plateau.

Biden began shouting out of nowhere after he repeated the debunked story about Xi Jinping.

Kamala Harris has known for years that Joe Biden was suffering from dementia. Harris knew about Biden’s declining mental state but she sat by and waited until she got the green light to steal all of his delegates in her quest for power.




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